Feel the Same Way

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Hey guysssss. So this was supposed to be a double update, but I ended up working a 13 hour shift today and didn't have the time to get back to this till now. Buttttttt, here you go.

This is a double update because this chapter is quite short and not too exciting.

"Hey guys!" Kirishima cheered as Bakugo and Midoriya made their appearance at Yaoyorozu's summer send off party.

"Hey idiots." Bakugo said with a sigh as he found an empty seat by his two idiot best friends. Midoriya chose not to sit down as his eyes scanned the crowd of UA students in the backyard, looking for his best friend.

"I'll catch you guys in a bit." The green haired man said with a small smile as he located the peppy brunette.

"How was your adventure?" Kirishima questioned with a smug smirk as the blonde watched his crush walk away from him.

"The nerd had fun, so I guess it was alright." The blonde replied with a shrug as he kept his gaze on the green haired man. It was hard to keep his eyes off him nowadays.

"But did you have fun?" Kaminari questioned with a smirk. "You know, with Midoriya?" Bakugo snapped his head towards Kirishima and Kaminari, who were both wearing mischievous smirks.

"Don't go there idiots." Bakugo spat harshly.

"How can we not dude?" Kirishima questioned in reply. "You literally spend all your free time with him, when you aren't with him, you're talking about him, you have been in a better mood since he came into the picture, not to mention how happy you make him."

"I said don't go there idiots." Bakugo mumbled with a blush. If those idiots could see it, why can't Deku? The blonde questioned to himself as he cast another glance towards Midoriya. He was laughing at something Uraraka had said, but that was besides the point. His smile was wide and beautiful, causing the blonde to smile as well.

"You're staring again." Kaminari teased, causing the blonde to snap his head back once more.

"You know you can talk to us, right?" Kirishima questioned as he smiled gently towards his friend.

"What do you want me to say, that I like Deku?" Bakugo scoffed.

"That would be nice, yeah." The red head replied with a simple laugh. He never had cared about who the blonde hung out with, but this time was different. Midoriya brought out the best in him in several different ways. His attitude had changed, his music had changed and he was more kind.

"I like Deku." Bakugo replied nonchalantly, causing the other two to stare in shock. They weren't expecting him to actually admit it. The blonde was internally freaking out on the inside, even though he shrugged it off on the outside. That was the first time he had actually said it out loud for anyone else to hear. The best part was, he actually enjoyed saying it.

"I wasn't expecting that." Kaminari said as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

"You asked for it idiots." Bakugo groaned in reply as he set his head down on the table.

"Are you going to tell him?" The red head asked as he watched the blonde become flustered.

"Eventually." He replied. He knew he had to tell the green haired man, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. There was a chance that Midoriya didn't like him back and it would ruin everything they have and destroy Bakugo is the process. He was scared of the rejection he could receive, so he decided to avoid it. As long as they didn't confess, nothing would change.

"Listen Bakubro," Kirishima started calmly. "You need to tell him. I know you probably haven't noticed because you are dense, but he's different around you. He's calm and collect. You helped him massively with his depression and anxiety and he has helped you with your anger. You guys have changed each other for the better. I'm pretty sure he'll return your feelings." He finished with a small smile. Nobody in that class was stupid, they could all see it. The fiery blonde chose not to say anything as he took another glance towards Midoriya, who was currently having a deep conversation with Uraraka.

Do you feel the same way I do? Can you see us traveling the world side by side while performing our music and your art? Do you see me in your future too, no matter how far you look? The blonde asked himself with a small sigh. He sure had a lot to think about.


"Did you have fun yesterday? You looked happy when we were able to chat." Uraraka said with a small smile as the two sat on a small blanket in the freshly mowed grass.

"Yeah actually." Midoriya said with a nervous chuckle. "It was nice to run away for a while and forget the stress."

"You're doing a lot better." Uraraka commented. He really was too, sure he still had his moments, but he saw a future for himself again.

"I feel a lot better. I still have my dark days and I probably always will." He replied with a sad smile as he nervously picked at the grass beside him.

"Does Bakugo have anything to do with it?" She questioned with a smirk as she playfully bumped his shoulder with her own. Midoriya's face instantly grew red at her comment. He had just found out himself that he liked his child hood best friend. Was he really ready to admit it out loud?

"He does make me happy if that's what you're asking." Midoriya said slowly as he looked to the ground with a red face.

"I think you make him happy too." Uraraka said with a smile.

"I don't know about that.." He replied timidly.

"Deku, listen to me." The brunette started as she put her hands on his shoulders. "Before our movie night a few weeks back, Bakugo hardly hung out with his friends. He didn't like to do stuff outside of the dorms, he didn't like to go places, all he did was yell and fight with everyone. You may not see it since you have been by his side, but he isn't the same person he was just a few short weeks ago. Because of you, he knows patience and understanding. I don't think you realize how truly special you are." She said as she gently leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Not to mention the fact that you are smiling more. They aren't fake smiles or small smiles either. They are wide, genuine smiles. Your music and drawing now speak a different language. You're more involved with school, you're looking forward to your future now instead of playing it day by day. He brings out the best in you. I think it's truly special to find someone that can make you feel that way." Midoriya smiled as he listened to his best friend. He already knew he had feelings for Bakugo, but hearing those words made him realize how truly great he was.

He couldn't help but turn his gaze towards the blonde, who was wearing a bright red face as he pouted. He was clearly being teased by Kirishima and Kaminari for something, but it didn't matter. He looked adorable at that moment.

Do you feel the same way I do? Does your heart speed up when you're around me? Does your mood instantly change when you're with me? Am I your first thought in the morning and your last thought before you go to bed? Am I your inspiration for your music? Am I your melody? The green haired man asked himself with a sigh. He sure had a lot to think about.

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