The Musical Car Ride

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"Pack your shit." Bakugo spat as he stood in the doorway of Midoriya's room.

"It's already packed." Midoriya informed as he sat in his bed, his sketch book in his lap.

"For the whole weekend?" Bakugo questioned.

"Yeah." Midoriya replied as his hand glided across the page like an angel walking on water. "I showered right after therapy, so it's all good to go." He said as he squinted at his project. Something wasn't lining up and it was driving him crazy. It felt far too forced.

"Then let's go." Bakugo said with a smirk. Midoriya looked up in shock. He hadn't mentally prepared himself for a ride with Bakugo since he was planning on taking the train.

"Now?" Midoriya questioned as he kept his gaze focused on Bakugo's razor sharp jawline.

"Yes, now idiot." Bakugo replied with a groan as he leaned his head back against the doorframe.

"I can take the train tomorrow." Midoriya said as he closed his sketch book, giving the blonde his undivided attention.

"Or you can skip the boring train ride with people you don't know and do an extra tour with me." He offered with a smirk. He didn't want to admit it, but since talking to Kye, he felt compelled to make Midoriya come with him. Not just for the green haired mans sake, but for his own too.

"Um, okay." Midoriya replied sheepishly as he slowly stood from the bed. "I have to say goodbye to Uraraka and them real quick." Midoriya whispered as he quickly threw his sketchbook and his hand made sketching kit into his shoulder bag.

"Where is your bag? I'll take it down and meet you in the common room." The blonde offered. The green haired man didn't say anything as he pointed to the green duffle bag at the foot of his bed.

"Hurry up." The blonde ordered as he grabbed the bag, quickly leaving the room. Midoriya only nodded in response as he grabbed his music book, headphones, phone charger, toothbrush and toothpaste before quickly throwing them in his bag. He gave his room a sad look as he opened the door. He was excited for it, but nervous at the same time. The thought of a three hour car ride with Bakugo made him feel anxious and sick to his stomach. His mind continued racing as he made his way down the hall to Iida's room, knowing that's where Uraraka spends all of her free time. He quietly knocked, hoping he wasn't interrupting anything. A few seconds later, Uraraka opened the door, fully clothed to Midoriya's pleasure. Iida slowly walked up behind her in confusion.

"Hey Deku! What's up?" Uraraka questioned in her usual cheery voice.

"Kaachan and I are going to head out now.. so I just came to say bye." He said sadly. He wished his best friend could come. It would definitely help to have her around.

"I thought you were taking a train tomorrow?" She questioned in confusion as she tilted her head slightly.

"So did I." Midoriya replied as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Keep me updated? Text me when you get there and everything." The brunnette scolded like a big sister as she pulled him into a hug.

"Yeah, I will." He replied as he hugged her back.

"Be safe Midoriya." Iida said as he laid a gentle hand on the green haired mans shoulder.

"I will." Midoriya slowly pulled away from the hug with a frown.

"Call if you need anything." His best friend said as she retreated back to the room.

"I will, thanks.." He mumbled, letting his voice die out as he began walking back down the hall.

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