Coming around

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"This is great Midoriya." Aizawa smiled kindly as he looked over the first drawing Midoriya has submitted for his exhibit. "I can see you updated your supplies." He said with a faint smile as he glanced down to the paper. It was also an easier picture to draw considering he had a certain red eyed blonde on his mind the entire time.

"Even if I don't go to UAE, I still want them to see my work." Midoriya replied in a whisper as he nervously rolled the hem of his sleeve between his fingers.

"Did you want to go to UAE?" Aizawa asked seriously as he set the drawing down on his desk. "You have the potential to do so." He commented.

"I don't know." The green haired man replied with a sigh. "There are definitely a lot of other options to explore."

"There definitely are." Aizawa replied with a small smile. "Have you considered doing some campus tours?" He questioned as he carefully slid Midoriya's submission into a folder.

"N-no." He replied. He knew he was going to have to do some digging at some point. Sure the entrance exams were a few months away, but they definitely aren't an easy task to take on.

"Maybe you should consider it this weekend." Aizawa replied with a simple shrug. "There are a few other universities around that you could look at. I personally thing UAE should be your main focus, but that is up to you." Midoriya couldn't help but feel guilty at hearing those words. He had gotten into the best art high school in the country and had the chance to go to the best art university, and he was taking them for granted. There were plenty of other people that will kill to have his spot.

"I don't know if I am qualified for UAE, but I will definitely look around." The green haired man said as he hid his eyes under his bangs, not wanting Aizawa to see the tears forming.

"I heard from Mic that some of his students were planning on going for the weekend, maybe you should ask around." Aizawa suggested as the bell went off, signaling the end of the school day.

"I will, thank you sir." Midoriya said with a small bow before turning away from his teacher. He needed to start taking his future more seriously instead of running from it. He couldn't push it off. The future was coming, whether he was ready for it or not.

"Hey Deku!" Uraraka yelled as she maneuvered her way through countless students to reach her best friend.

"Hey!" He yelled back with excitement as he saw his best friend approach. The brunette had to stop for a second and let her eyes adjust to the small smile that Midoriya was proudly wearing. The best part, it wasn't a fake smile. She hadn't seen a real smile from him since their first year at UA. She never realized how much she truly missed it.

"Did you submit your drawing today?" She asked with a smile of her own to compliment his.

"Yupp!" He replied cheerfully as they made their way through the crowded hallway towards the dorms.

"How did it go?" She asked nervously, scared of his reaction.

"It went well." He replied with a simple shrug as they made their way outside to find the rest of their class mates. A few students had to do a double take when they saw Midoriya engaging in a conversation.

"Any birthday plans this weekend?" She questioned as they officially met with the rest of the group.

"Not for my birthday. Aizawa recommended I do some campus tours this weekend though."

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