No Strings Attached

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"He caught me making out with some guy behind the mall last week." Bakugo said with a groan as he ran his hand through his blonde spiky hair, nervous of Midoriya's outcome. The freckled man always knew his childhood friend was gay, so it wasn't surprising when he said this.

"I didn't know you were seeing somebody." Midoriya mumbled awkwardly as his cheeks grew warm. He was never good at talking about crushes and stuff like that.

"I'm not idiot." Bakugo spat in reply as he leaned his back against the wall. "I was looking for somebody to blow off some steam with." He mumbled, hoping the green haired man wouldn't hear it. Bakugo knew he had some serious anger issues to work through and he had tried several things to get the issue resolved. Much like Midoriya with his depression, nothing worked. If something did finally work, it would only work for a few days before everything returned to normal.

"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked in confusion as he watched the man across from him tense up at his question.

"I like to fool around with people to blow off some steam." Bakugo muttered in utter embarrassment. He didn't even admit this to Kirishima, so why was he talking to the nerd for crying out loud?

"It's not nice to fool around with peoples feelings Kaachan.." Midoriya replied quietly, not completely getting where this conversation was going. 

"Not like that idiot." Bakugo snapped, causing Midoriya's eyes to widen. The blonde took a few deep breaths to contain his composure before speaking again. "We make out and do other stuff." He whispered as he turned his gaze to the floor, ignoring Midoriya's bright emerald eyes. The green haired man stared at him in shock, not really sure what to say. Was Bakugo telling him he had a friend with benefits?

"What kind of other things?" Midoriya questioned as he suddenly grew curious.

Does this idiot really need me to spell it out for him? Bakugo spat to himself as he stared at Midoriya in disbelief.

"We give each other blow jobs and other shit along those lines." Bakugo muttered as he lowered his head in shame. He wasn't supposed to tell anybody, but here he was. He has no clue why he is telling Midoriya this, but it felt kind of nice to talk about it.

"Have you ever had sex?" Midoriya questioned like it was the most innocent question in the world. The blonde quickly covered brought his hands up, covering his face in order to hide the blush that was spreading.

"N-no." Bakugo stuttered in response. He may have done some questionable things, but he had never had sex before. Whenever he was about to, they were usually interrupted or one of them chickened out because they were usually outside in the open. The last thing he wanted was for someone to see him like that.

"D-does it work?" Midoriya stuttered nervously.

"Almost hooking up with random guys?" Bakugo questioned as he looked into his green orbs.

"Yeah." Midoriya whispered. "Does it help your anger issues?" Bakugo had to stop and think about it for a second. Yeah, it helped blow of some steam in the moment, but did it actually help him long term? Thinking back on it, it really did. Whenever he blew off some steam, his anger was usually better for a few days. Sure he still needed to work on it a few other ways, but it really did help.

"Yes." Bakugo replied simply. He didn't care to go into detail with the man standing across from him.

"And you are not dating this guy?" Midoriya questioned.

"No. We are friends with benefits." Bakugo replied. "It's no strings attached. If one of us wants to call it off, we can with no questions asked."

"Huh." Midoriya replied simply. "No feelings for each other?" He asked.

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