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Midoriya sluggishly rolled out of bed when his alarm went off at six in the morning. He ended going to bed around one in the morning, yet again. He couldn't wait until the day was over and he was able to get a full nights sleep. He slowly made his way to his desk, grabbing the clothes he laid out the night before. He ended up opting for a pair of black jeans with a few holes here and there and a plain red shirt to match with his signature red sneakers. He quickly slid them on before turning to his half bath. He let out a sigh of relief when his hair wasn't as bad as he was anticipating. It took him maybe five minutes to wet it and calm it down. He quickly brushed his teeth and headed out the door.

"Goodmorning Midoriya!" Iida yelled out as he was shutting his own door down the hall.

"Morning Iida." Midoriya replied with a small smile. "No Uraraka today?" He questioned, knowing that is where the brunette spent most of her nights.

"No." He replied as he began walking down the hallway to meet Midoriya. "She got up and rushed out around five this morning." Iida said with a nervous chuckle.

"Her show starts at 8, so I'm not surprised." Midoriya said with a small laugh of his own. "I know she has a lot to do for that."

"Yes she does." Iida replied as the two made their way towards the elevator.

"She'll do great, I'm sure of it." Midoriya said with a smile. "So what are you doing up so early? You don't have to show your film until 10 and your photography is at 11."

"I still have to do some final edits for for the short film. Also, we agreed we would all be going to each other's performances today, so it is going to be a busy day." Iida replied as the two stepped off the elevator on the ground floor.

"Yeah, I have to get ahold of Kaachan to get the music sheets back so I can rehearse it a little bit." Midoriya explained as they walked into the kitchen.

"Not you don't." Kirishima said with a small smile as he and Kaminari were running through a few of their songs. Midoriya looked to him in confusion before walking to the counter. The music book was laying there with a plate of pancakes and his favorite coffee from the cafe down the street. "Bakugo dropped it off, made you breakfast and got you coffee." Kirishima said with a smirk as he watched the green haired smile uncontrollably.

"He also said you would try to skip out on the food, claiming you had too much to do. So we're here to make sure you actually eat it." Kaminari said with a grin as he motioned for Midoriya to sit down.

"So if I don't eat, you'll run and tell him?" Midoriya said with a frown as he sat down. The thought of food made him feel nauseous. He was already completely nervous for today.

"Yupp! You have to at least eat half of it." Kirishima said as he handed him a fork and syrup. "We'll be in the other room though." The red head said as he grabbed Kaminari, dragging him away.

"He really cares for you, you know?" Iida said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, I know." The green haired man replied with a toothy grin. The feeling was mutual.

"I'll see you at Uraraka's show." Iida said before taking his leave. Midoriya was now alone with his food. He really didn't want to eat it, but he knew it would upset Bakugo if he didn't. Slowly put surely, he picked through the food. It was actually really good too. He could officially add cooking to the list of things his crush could do. He slowly slid the notebook towards him, deciding to do a run through in his mind. He never got the chance though since he was met with a letter instead.

He slowly unfolded it and began reading. He was thrilled to see that Bakugo had liked the song. Both boys really put their feelings in it, and they were thrilled with the outcome. When Midoriya got passed talking about the song in the letter, he smiled to himself like an idiot as he carefully read the blondes words. Midoriya couldn't even attempt to deny it anymore, he completely fell in love with his childhood friend. With tears still streaming down his face, he folded the letter up carefully before sliding it into his bag. He quickly put his empty plate in the sink before grabbing the book and his coffee before rushing out the door.

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