Bakugo's Submission

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"Come on Bakugo!" Kirishima whined as they walked into Mic's class. "Just wait until Friday night and take us with you! We don't want to ride the train!" The red head pouted as Kaminari nodded in agreement.

"No way idiots." Bakugo spat back. "I'm doing an extra tour, so I'm not fucking skipping it to wait on your dumb asses." He scoffed as he sat at his usual table.

"Why did you have to sign up for an extra one?" Kaminari questioned as the three pulled out their sheet music. "You already know you are getting into UAE."

"I like to have options." The blonde replied with a simple shrug as he began adding his lyrics to the sheet.

"You taking Midoriya with you?" Kirishima questioned with a knowing smirk. This shouldn't have caught the blonde off guard considering how much time he was spending with his childhood friend, but it did. "He said he got permission to skip classes Friday morning as well."

"Why would I take that idiot with me?" He questioned as his face warmed up.

"I couldn't help but notice you've been a lot nicer to him recently." Kirishima replied as he continued writing his melody for his new song. "Is it because he's struggling with his depression, or is there a bigger reason?" He questioned with a smirk. He didn't even need to look to the blonde to know he was blushing.

"Fuck of Shitty Hair." Bakugo spat as he put in his headphones in, tuning them out. He didn't need anybody else teasing him about his feelings to Midoriya when he didn't understand them himself. It was supposed to be a simple relationship- no strings attached. It turned into way more than that. Obviously Midoriya didn't pick up on the blondes feelings, but he is as oblivious as they come. Bakugo couldn't help but miss the taste of cinnamon taking over his senses every time they were apart. He couldn't help but miss his soft lips against his own and the high pitched moans he made when they were entangled in each others embraces. He kept pushing those feelings down, claiming they were made of lust. Little did he know, how much longer he could actually deny it.

The green haired man always found his way into the blondes head. He couldn't help but wonder how Midoriya was feeling that day. He constantly found himself hoping the green haired man would knock on his door.  The blonde shook his head back and forth as he continued to copy the lyrics to his almost done sheet music. He had to finish and perform it for Mic today if he wanted to skip his classes on Friday. He would be damned if he couldn't do it after going through so much to plan it all out. He slid his earbuds from his ears to dangle around his neck when he started composing in his mind. He was good, but he couldn't run through a song in his head and blast a different one through his ears.

When he was satisfied, he set his pencil down. He didn't think it was one of his best songs, but it was different than the usual hard-core stuff he wrote all the time. He only hoped it was good enough for him to leave early on Friday.

"Here idiots." Bakugo spat as he pushed sheet music towards his two best friends, not that he would actually call them that out loud.

"You done?" Kirishima questioned as he glanced over the sheet music.

"Yeah." The blonde replied as he watched the two study the music. "Think you could play it? I need to present it to Mic." He asked as he stood from his seat.

"It looks easy enough." Kirishima replied. "Just need to run through it first." He responded with a shrug as he pushed himself from the table.

"This looks different than your usual hard rock and screamo music." Kaminari muttered as he joined the two in walking towards Mic's desk.

"Maybe I'm just tired of screaming." The blonde whispered quietly enough for only him to hear. It was true too. He really was tired of screaming and being filled with rage. The last week had truly been amazing for him in that department. He didn't feel like punching somebody every time they looked at him funny. He didn't feel the need to scream anymore.

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