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The next day, Midoriya avoided Bakugo like he was 'it' in a game of tag. Whenever the fiery blonde entered the room, he quickly made an excuse to leave. Even if they didn't end up going all the way, they did some very sexual stuff that the green haired man felt embarrassed by. The most embarrassing part for him was how many times he moaned the blondes name while receiving pleasure in many different ways. He wanted to forget it, but it was etched into his brain. The smirk Bakugo made when he moaned, the way he kisses him with a fiery passion, the way he left bite marks all over his chest, all of it. He couldn't bring himself to look at his childhood friend without imagining the steamy night they had spent together.

"Are you okay Deku?" Uraraka questioned quietly from behind, causing the boy to jump. The brunette furrowed her brows as she looked to her best friend with suspicion. "You've been awfully jumpy today." She commented as she sat next to him on the double sofa.

"I'm fine!" Midoriya replied as he waved his hands in the air. "Just didn't get enough sleep last night." He whispered before turning his head towards the ground, hoping to conceal his growing blush.

"I've noticed you haven't been getting enough sleep for a while now." Uraraka mumbled in concern. She tried not to bring up his issues, but it was hard when she cared about him so deeply.

"I'll be fine." He replied as he stood from the couch. "I really need to go though." He said quickly before turning on his heel, not waiting for a response. He had a therapy appointment in exactly four minutes in the school building and he couldn't afford to be late. The school was practically across the street, so it wasn't too far of a walk.

"Have fun." The brunette smiled sadly as she watched her best friend slip his shoes on by the door.

"I'll try." Midoriya replied with a groan before stepping out into the warm air. Their summer break started in two weeks and he couldn't wait to go home. He was hoping some time away with his mom would do his mental health some good. The man carefully looked both ways before running across the street. He was hoping that one day, he would be okay enough to quit going to therapy. He let out a sigh as he realized how unlikely that was. Less than a minute later, he was making his way into the chilly building. The AC was pumped so high, it felt like the middle of winter. The green haired man quickly signed in before sinking into his favorite chair, three seats away from the door. He took a deep breath as he nervously rolled the hem of his shirt in between his fingers.

"You can come back Midoriya." The receponists said as she opened the door into the lobby. The green haired man sighed as he pushed himself from his seat. Let's get this over with. He thought to himself as he followed her down the hall to his usual room.

"Ah, hello Midoriya." His doctor greeted as dug out his file from the metal cabinet in the corner of the room.

"Hello." Midoriya whispered quietly as he sat on the sofa on the other side of the room.

"How has your day been so far?" His therapist questioned as he sat down in his chair, ready to scribble in his notebook.

"It's been okay so far." Midoriya replied. He hadn't really had anything eventful happen yet, so that was good in his book.

"Did you want to pick up where we left off last week, or was there something else you wanted to talk about?" Kye had asked as he showed a calm look to the freckled man.

"Where we left off last week is fine." Midoriya mumbled, not entirely sure where they had previously left off.

"We were talking about school." Kye reminded as he glanced towards his notes. "You are currently going to fine arts school, and you definitely have the talent for it."

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