Chapter 67: Mother Mother

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I immediately run out of the classroom and manoeuvre through all of the complicated and confusing corridors, eventually finding the exit. I dart out and run into the street, hearing Peter and Loki's footsteps not far behind.

The woman, who I'd grown up to call my mother, looked at me and smiled.

"(Y/n)..." she says, "Please don't fear. I come in peace."

I just stare at her, taking in her features. Something was off.

Perhaps it is just the wear and tear of the past year, giving her wrinkles. Time works differently on Vanaheim, it would make sense.

But no.

Perhaps her hair is going grey?


Perhaps she has shrunk, or lost a bit of weight.

No and no.

It's the smile. Definitely.

I stare at her lips and how they curve into a happy expression. An expression unfamiliar to me.

It's not that she never smiled when I was younger. Because she did.

But never like this.

Her lips told me she was happy, but her eyes were filled with sorrow, and regret.

Now I think about it... a year and a half ago she lost her adopted daughter. A year ago her real daughter died, then soon after, her son died.

Something told me this was fresh, though. Something bad had happened recently, and I just know it.

Then it came to me.


There is no other reason for her to be here except for him being either dead or dying.

I snap out of my thoughts as she takes a step towards me, hesitantly. Loki runs to be by my side and the woman looks to him, then Peter behind him, then back at me.

"Please, (Y/n). I promise, I mean you no harm." she assures me, taking another step closer. Loki steps forward too, in front of me.

"Please." she begs. I put my hand on Loki's arm, signalling for him to stand down.

"Why are you here?" I ask in a plain, emotionless tone.

"I'm still your mother, (Y/n)-"

"Answer the damn question." I snap.

She sighs and looks at me, "Your father."

"Not my father." I growl, "Never was, never will be. What's up with the fossil now? Another Odin sleep? Or has he finally hit the hay for good?"

"He passed away last week..." she announces. I just smirk and nod, turning to Loki, then back to her.

"I'm just gonna wait here for a you to tell me why you think I give a sh*t about him!? He destroyed me. He caused me pain that you couldn't know a fraction about. Then, your two children. God, how glad am I that they're both buried six feet under," i yell, "So if you've come for my pity, or to break my heart like all of the others have, be my f*cking guest, because this toxic, deformed family will NOT be ruining my life anymore."

There's silence for a minute, and I feel Loki slowly hold my hand in comfort.

"I don't want to hurt you any more than you are, (Y/n). You've lived a full life, you've dealt with pain that only few would be able to understand. But I'm not here for trouble, only to seek my lost daughter. You can deny me as your mother if you wish, but you will never stop being my daughter,  (Y/n)." she says.

I mean... how am I supposed to reply to that? Thanks?

"You know what Freyr did?" I ask, quietly.

"Yes... it was extremely tragic..."

"Tragic?" asks Loki, "With all do respect miss, it was a little more than tragic. You come here because your son of a b*tch husband died. You had your to turn. Most people lost all of their loved ones and had nobody to turn to except suicide, drugs, alcohol, crime, starvation, depression. For an entire year I waited in the soul stone to come back and see my mother, my girlfriend, my brother and my friends. So excuse me, but because of your idiotic, stupid son, I lost a year of my life, (Y/n) lost a year of her life, we all lost ourselves for an entire year without each other. So DO NOT turn up here and play the good guy, because your far from it. Now, let me tell you, I can be nice. Yeah. Believe it or not, I CAN be a nice guy, but I can pick and choose who I'm nice to. So when I'm mean, I can be VERY VERY mean. Understood? So if you want to play the nice guy, then you can prove it. You can come to the Avengers Tower, you can meet everyone, you can explain yourself. But if you step out of line for a split second, I will not hesitate to rip your head off of your body."

I squeeze his hand reassuringly as he glares at the woman standing before us.

"Um, yeah. I'm Peter by the way." says Peter, innocently.

"I understand. And I am all for going to... avengers tower, whatever that is." she says, "And hello Peter."

"What's your name?" asks Peter, "Just so I know what to call you..."

"Skadi." she smiles, sweetly.

"Well, I'm sure Mr Stark will be here any minute." Peter says, smiling back.

As if on cue, the light sound of rocket boosters grows louder as Tony comes into view, suited up. He lands loudly next to us and stands between us and Skadi.

"Alright, guys I thought I told you to listen to the teachers... this goes against that a little.." Tony jokes.

"Not the time Anthony." I mutter.

"You don't hav Anthony privileges. You're lucky I let you call me Tony, Peter is still on Mr Stark basis." he replies, "Anyway, hi there. I'm Tony Stark, may have heard of me in your space place or whatever, but if you'd like to politely leave this planet then there won't be a problem."


"Zip it (Y/n)." he snaps.

"It's Skadi. She was her adoptive mother on Vanaheim." Loki cut in, glaring at Skadi.

"(Y/n), why didn't you tell me?" Tony asks in a joking tone.

"Are you f*cking kidding me, Stark?"

"Okay Okay Okay, well, Skadi, I'm sure you're aware but each time your little family come down to our planet, it doesn't end so well for either of us." Tony announces.

"I am aware of what happened with Freyr, and I can only send you my apologies. My husband, Njord, has passed, and I wish to come visit my daughter before its too late." Skadi says.

I laugh loudly, "Okay, well seeming as it's been too late for like... two years... you should probably just give up here and now-"

"Give her a chance." whispers Peter.

"Whatever," Tony says, you can come to the Tower, come meet everyone, fix your 'mother-daughter' bond' or some sh*t, then go home. Kay?"

"Excellent." smiles Skadi.

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