Chapter 2: Falling Into Asgard

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I wake up with a harsh pain settling within my back as I sit up with a wince. My eyes open in brief flutters, trying to acknowledge my surroundings.

I sit lazily upon a long, mesmerising bridge, multiple bright colours spurting in each direction. Below the bridge flows beautiful blue waters, wondrous and enchanting creatures dancing within the ripples of waves.

At the end of the bridge, I gape at an exquisite palace, a place that puts even Vanaheim's royals to shame.

It stands with a lustrous gold glint, flashing all its wealth and glory down to the large kingdom surrounding it.

Phenomenal, really- I've never seen a landscape like it. But then it sinks in- my location.


Of course I'm on bloody Asgard.

I painfully swivel my body around to face the other end of the bridge, noticing a large dome structure, also made of gold.

The bi-fröst itself- I suppose.

From the bi-fröst, stands a heavily armed Asgardian in full armour.

He wields a long, expertly crafted sword- intimidating becoming an understatement as I gaze at the man. Or God, I suppose.

"Welcome." he says, his piercing yellow eyes look down at where I sit, "I saw you coming."

"You did, did you?" I huff, looking up atthe blue sky, "That's strange, because I'm not entirely sure who you are."

"Heimdall, sole protector of the bi-fröst, in direct service of King Odin of Asgard, protector of the nine realms." he says boldly.

Heimdall- watchman of the gods. I've read all about him.

"Why am I here, Heimdall?" I ask, my hand resting on my waist, innocently pressed against the holder for my dagger as I get to my feet clumsily.

"A wormhole in the upper atmosphere led you here." he answers, still standing tall, "Apologies for the.. rough landing, your highness."

"Don't call me that." I snap, glaring at him, "I'm certain someone as omniscient as you would be aware of my current situation. I am no royal."

"By blood, perhaps not. Yet, I'm still obliged to call you by your title." he answers.

This bastard really does know everything.

"I suppose you wouldn't know what I am supposed to do now?" I ask, looking at him hopefully.

"If you wish, I can escort you to the Allfather himself." he replies, "He too has been expecting your arrival."

Odin. Allfather. Protector of the nine realms. King of Asgard.

The God who took Laufey's child from the temple. The God who called off the arranged marriage that had been planned since the day I was born.

"Has King Njord of Vanaheim been in contact?" I ask.

"Not within the last few decades, I don't believe." Heimdall answers.

There's no doubt Odin had killed Laufey's child. A man like Odin has too much pride (and traditionalism) to accept a Jotun as one of his own.

Maybe that's why he is expecting me.

To kill me.

"Heimdall! Heimdall, open the bi-fröst!" a muffled voice calls. I send Heimdall a questioning look as the voice continues to shout.

"Follow me." Heimdall announces, walking towards the golden dome of the bi-fröst. I follow him cautiously to the structure, watching him plunge his sword into the centre of it. It starts to spin rapidly, and within seconds a muscular blonde man settles before us, a young girl coming through the portal behind him.

"Jane Foster." welcomes Heimdall, "Welcome to Asgard."

"You must be Heimdall." the brunette girl blurts, looking at him with a wide smile etched across her face, "Wow... it's... so great to meet you." she gasps.

The blonde man turns at me, raising an eyebrow. "Who accompanies you, my good friend?" he asks Heimdall.


"(Y/n)." I cut in, approaching the pair.

I walk casually to the blonde, offering my hand respectfully, allowing him to shake it.

"A friend of Heimdall." I add, smiling.

"Ah, very well. I am Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard, God of Thunder." he answers boldly, "And this is my maiden, J-"

"Jane Foster." the girl interrupts, also shaking my hand (much more enthusiastically, might I add).

Odinson. Prince of Asgard.

Yet, blonde and extremely muscular. Incapable of being Odin's Frost Giant child.

"What brings you to Asgard, (Y/n)?" asks Thor, glancing at Heimdall briefly.

"They were about to pay a visit to the Allfather." Heimdall interjects.

"Perhaps you'd wish to accompany us- me and Jane were heading there ourselves." Thor suggests.

"An excellent idea- allow me to escort you." Heimdall nods, leading the way along the bi-fröst bridge.

The girl's a Midgardian- that wasn't hard to deduce.

Along the rainbow bridge and through the towering golden gates we walk, approaching the huge palace more with each step.

"Are you from here? Asgard?" the girl asks.

"No, Vanaheim." I answer.

"Vanaheim. Isn't that where all of the Vanir are?" she questions.

"You've read your books." I acknowledge, slight amusement in my tone, "You see, most of the mythology is as it says on the label. A myth. A lot of stories are formed by the humans themselves, creating false fantasies themselves- or telling lies told by a God. Vanaheim housing the Vanir is true, though it hasn't been like that for thousands of years." I answer.

"Do you have runes?" she asks.

"Runes are awfully old fashioned- our magic has far developed since then. Though, with the right preparation, I could get one." I reply.

"How is it that I do not know you?" Thor says, looking at me, "I've ventured to Vanaheim many times- yet I've never seen you."

"Vanaheim is a large place." I tell him.

"Smaller than you think." he replies, Heimdall shaking his head.

Of course, he does know of me. He'll know the entire royal family from Vanaheim- yet, I've never met him face to face. I've met those of Alfheim and Niflheim, but never of Asgard.

He'll know Freya and Freyr- of course. But I'm still not deemed fit to go to Asgard- as I'm only 1048.

A rule of which I've never understood.

"This world... it's so complex." Jane says.

"You don't know the half of it." I scoff.

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