Chapter 4: An Eventful Dinner

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"Please, take a seat." Odin spoke.

Frigga elegently moved to sit beside him at the table, pulling me along carefully to sit beside her. I slipped my dagger sneakily into a hidden pocket in my armour, ready to grab at any moment. 

"This, everyone, is Lady (Y/n). Introduce yourselves." said Frigga, smiling and gesturing for them to talk to me.

"Hello m'Lady, my name is Fandral. It is wonderful to meet your acquaintance." smiled a blonde haired man, grabbing my hand and kissing it lightly. He smiled at me widely and enthusiastically. Obviously a lady's man, he made that extremely clear. "What is your name again, fair maiden?" he asks happily.

Not a good listener. Noted.

"(Y/n)." I say plainly, hoping not to entertain his enthusiasm.

"Well, Lady (Y/n), I must say I applaud your outfit. It looks fantastic." smiles a ginger oaf-of-a-man. "I am Volstagg, good to meet you." he smiled before greedily digging into the pile of food he had on his plate. A man with his black hair tied up just looked at me, looking disappointed.

"Oh, that's Hogun. He doesn't to smile." laughed Fandral, loudly. I nodded.

"Lady Sif." said a woman, holding a hand for me to shake. "I see you're a fighter." she said, looking at where I had hidden my dagger.

"You could say that." I reply, earning a smirk from her. I think I'll like her.

"We've met, good to meet you again Lady (Y/n)." said Thor, smiling, also digging into his large amount of food. I nodded towards him, glancing at Jane who smiles and says hello.

Looking around, I notice that there was one more person at the table. He was looking at me with hard eyes, not breaking eye contact. I held his gaze, looking back. He smirked and kept looking at me. I study his face, admiring the gorgeous green eyes he has, and his silky raven hair. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. Much more my type than Thor or Fandral, or anyone else on the table for that matter.

"Does anyone else feel that tension? I think we should get some drinks in here." laughed Fandral, smiling with Volstagg.

Yet, the man never broke eye contact with me.

"Loki, don't be rude to our guest. Introduce yourself." scolded Odin harshly, looking at him with a cold stare.

"I am Loki." he hummed, trying to hide his obvious dislike towards his Father.

"(Y/n)." I replied, calmly. With that, my head dips down to look at the food in front of me, ignoring the blatant glances from around.

"Well, we have some news to announce." said Odin, breaking the silence. A girl with long hair and a white outfit jogged in and sat beside Loki at the end of the table, "Sorry I'm late." she said, sitting and taking an immediate swig of her alcoholic drink.

"I am glad you've decided to join us Valkyrie. Back to my announcement, Thor, Lady (Y/n), Jane Foster and Valkyrie will-"

"And Loki." Frigga added, hoping to not exclude him.

"Yes... and Loki. You are all to create a truce with the people of Midgard, even fight with alongside them for a short while. Now that they are aware of the universe surrounding their realm, we need to ensure they see us as allies to prevent any wars,  battles or the loss of lives." Odin announced.

"How exciting!" boomed Thor, "We are going to your planet, Jane." Jane smiled and nodded.

"So... how long will we be there?" asked Valkyrie, still drinking profusely.

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