Chapter 40: Sparks and Stars

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-(Y/n)'s POV-
~From the perspective of (Y/n)~

"The constellations are so much different on Midgard." I think aloud, "On Vanaheim, they had a completely new arrangement."

"You should see the night sky on Asgard." Loki mentions, both of us lying beside each other on the ground outside, "Actually, my balcony has the best view in Asgard. In my opinion, anyway."

"Asgard is beautiful, from what I can recall." I admit, "What's your room like?"

"Big. Spacious. Gold." he laughs.

"No surprise there." I nod.

"And you? What were your chambers like on Vanaheim?" he asks, turning to face me.

"It was gorgeous. The bed posts were laced with the most beautiful curtains, the fabric on Vanaheim is like no other I've ever felt." I explain.

"Oh I know, believe me. Mother almost always brought some back when her and Odin would visit. I actually think my pillows were from Vanaheim."

"The pillows are everything- the ones on Midgard cannot remotely compare." I agree.

"Do you miss Vanaheim? Beyond the fabrics and the fine dining?" he asks.

"I'd be lying if I said no. My life back then was full of routine and blind happiness." I say, reminiscing in the fond memories, "It was the culture that I loved. The people, the market, the shops, the towns and villages- even the 'dark region' where all the thugs lived."

"Tell me about it." Loki smiles.

"Well, I always used to sneak out of a nighttime- I managed to convince a few guards to let me slip past without informing my father. I only got caught twice. I went to the market mostly. I loved the lanterns that hung over all of the roads. Oh, and the smell of the bakery- the dishes were so succulent you'd think you had died and gone to Valhalla. I had a good relationship with the blacksmith from the market too- she always helped me out with any metalwork I needed doing. The jeweller managed to make me some beautiful jewellery out of bent metal I'd find in the junkyard. A lot of people took his skills for granted- but I knew what he was capable of." I explain, going into detail as I remember my old life.

"You, a princess, stole from the junkyard?"

"Oh yeah, I'd find all sorts of shit there. In my room I had a huge stash of weird objects- most of them I'd given to people in the market to fix up for me. It was great actually, I helped the market with funding whilst benefiting myself. I'd always pay way over the original fees- just to help everyone keep on their feet. Of course, any dirty work I needed doing, I'd just head over to the 'dark region'. I had to wear this black cloak that the tailor made me, because recognition would've been fatal for a princess in that area. I had a small group of friends who lived there, and I'd always come to give them food and goods. In return, they were at my service for anything bad I couldn't be caught doing myself."

"It seems you had quite the little business going." Loki smiles.

"Well what about you, on Asgard? I'm sure you and Thor had a lot of fun. I did most of my stuff on my own, but you and Thor were close, right?" I question.

"Very close. He was my best friend. Me, Thor, Sif and the warriors three were always the closest of friends. I, of course, got us in the most trouble. It was fun trouble though, nothing too ghastly. Though, one time Lady Sif and Thor were in bed together and..."

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