Chapter 15: Fight For Sacrifice

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"The plan is simple: If we can catch up to the ship that the others have taken to get to the soul stone, we can tell them to give us the map, so we can get ahead of them and grab the stone. Then, we will have two stones- the Tesseract and the Soul Stone. Of course, we also have Vision who has the mind stone, so it's kind of three stones versus the one that Thanos has. Easy Peasy." explains Thor.

"As 'easy-peasy' as that sounds, how do you suppose we catch up to the others and make it back in two days?" I ask.

His plan is somewhat far-fetched, yet it is the best we've got.

"Well, we have a locator on their ship- so we can find them, and send them home." he answers.

"Yes, but they've been travelling to the Soul Stone for almost an entire day and aren't expected to return for another six days. There is no way we can pull this off." I tell him.

He smirks and looks at Valkyrie, who seems to understand exactly what the facial expression means.

"Devil's Anus." they say.


We climb onto the ship and take our seats, casually buckling our seat-belts.

"Won't the others notice our absence?" asks Jane.

"They'll be fine." says Thor, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

The ship starts up and I hold on to the arms of my chair as we lunge into the air.

In a short ten minutes, we reach the Devil's Anus- casual conversation flowing throughout the ship.

"Hold on." shouts Thor as the ship speeds up and we enter the large, angry-red wormhole.

"That looks like a collapsing-neutron star inside an Einstein-Rosen Bridge!" gasps Jane, wide-eyed. Thor chuckles at her amazement, continuing to steer the aircraft.

The ship dives in all directions as we swerve huge meteors and large rocks that float through the air. I latch on tighter to my chair, fighting hard to keep my eyes open considering the speed of the ship.

I feel my seat-belt loosen and unfasten, causing me to fly back out of the seat. I hit Loki's chair and slam into him.

He lets out a groan, holding tight to me to keep me in place.

"Whatever you do," he shouts, "don't let go."

I nod and wrap my arms around his neck as he holds me on his lap, trying hard not to let me go.

Finally, the ship slows to a steady and natural pace, another small ship located not far from us.

"You can let go of each other now." laughs Jane- her, Thor and Valkyrie all looking at me and Loki hanging onto each other for dear life.

I clear my throat and casually hop off Loki's lap, both of us flushing a quiet pink colour as I return to my seat.

"That's them." says Valkyrie, pointing to the nearby space ship.

Thor moves the ship to drift alongside them and slaps some sort of shield upon himself.

His body is engulfed in a blue barrier, some sort of contraption used to withstand the harsh atmosphere of space (without dying from

"I'm going to negotiate with them, stay here." orders Thor, opening the door, jumping out and closing it behind him.

We wait for about 10 minutes before Thor steps back inside.

"Vormir. It's on Vormir." he says, getting back into the captain's seat and turning the ship, building speed as we re-approach the Devil's Anus.

I go to buckle my seatbelt again, noticing it had broken the last time. As we get closer, I grow more panicked, unsure of what to do.

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