Chapter 51: It's a Long Story

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⚠️big trigger warning- this part is currently unedited, but contains self harm detail, and some upsetting scenes- I apologise and am trying to edit quickly to:
1. Improve the writing
2. Make sure suitable warnings
3. Make it less 'Elena Gilbert whiney main character' if that makes sense?
I'm trying be quick! It's just a long story lmao, enjoy, and once again, careful of the trigger warning. If you want to skip this chapter, it's just (Y/n) being allowed to look into Loki's memories- detail isn't necessary. Sorry!⚠️

Loki jumps to hit Thor out of the way but is blasted by the power of the bi-fröst being shattered.

Thor and Loki both topple over the side of the bridge, being caught by Odin as they hang on to their weapons, dangling over the emptiness of space.

"I could've done it father!" yells Loki, "For you! For all of us!"

Odin looks down disappointingly at his adopted child.

"No Loki."

And with those words, Loki's heart shattered into tiny little pieces.

They don't need me any more. What use in this world do I have now? They don't care. He doesn't care. Perhaps I just...

And with that, Loki lets go of the spear and falls into the black abyss of space.

"Loki! Noooo!" shouts Thor, watching his brother's figure get smaller and smaller the further it goes.


-2 months later-

"Loki of Asgard," says a deep, alien voice, "We need your abilities. But we also need you to comply."

"Thor! Thor, help! Mother? Mother help me!" he shouts, "Help!"

His voice is young and tired, making it more rough and difficult to shout with.

"They can't hear you. They never will. We give you the planet, you give us the stones." he says.

"Never! Aghhhh!" he yells as he's whipped by a creature in an all black outfit.

"Who are you trying to be good for, hm? Why not give evil a try?" he urges, letting the figure whip Loki three more times.

"I can't! Please stop, have mercy I beg of you!" he yells.

The whips continue for five full minutes, his back ending up a red, bloody mess.

He breathes heavily as he's dragged over to the wheel.

He's locked down onto the spinning wheel and creatures take it in turn to punch him.

He receives several blows to the head, a few in the chest but a fair amount in the neck, making his breathing crazed and uneven.

"Need more convincing, prince?"

"Thor!" he squeals, "Mother! Anyone! Aghaghaghaaaa!" he yelps as he is whipped in the chest and slapped across the face.

"Comply!" the alien yells. With one last punch to the face, Loki goes unconscious.

He wakes up a few minutes later, now lying on the floor covered in blood and barely breathing.

"F-f..... fih.... heh, fine." he breathes, coughing out blood, struggling to get the single word out.

"Excellent decision." smirks the Alien.


"It is my birthright!" Loki argues.

"YOUR BIRTHRIGHT... WAS TO DIE!" wailed Odin, gritting his teeth at the man he calls unworthy of being his son.

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