Chapter 49: Twins

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"Her water just broke, her water just broke... Sweet Valhalla, her water's broken!" Thor repeats, walking Jane slowly out to one of Tony's cars.

"The leather-"

"Tony Stark, shut the fuck up!" Jane yells in obvious frustration.

Noticing Tony's withdrawn offence, Pepper Potts pats his back in sympathy, reminding him of her advisement of keeping quiet in moments like these.

"Ignore him Jane, deep breaths." Bruce tells her.

"Bruce! You're a doctor! Help her!" Thor yells.

"Not that kind of doctor, Thor." he tells the blonde oaf, earning a confused glance in his direction.

"Ohh my god, I think I'm having a contraction." she groans, face scrunching up in discomfort.

Her hand latches onto mine tightly, squeezing it with a deep moan of pain, followed by a sigh of relief.

"It's passed, it's passed." she whimpers, breathlessly, Thor helping her into the back of the car and getting in beside her.

"Is this safe?" Pepper asks.

"Not entirely but it's the best option." Bruce nods, Loki pulling me to the front of the car.

"Get in the passengers seat." he orders as he clambers into the driver's seat.

"Are you fucking kidding me! He's gonna get us killed!" Jane yells, watching Loki as he attempts to start the engine.


"I've got this, I've got this." Loki assures, finally getting the engine going as I sit in the passengers seat.

"Thor, you're letting him drive?" Jane shouts, groaning again.

"Just, I'm a little bit desperate right now, Jane..." Thor answers hurriedly, "Loki will you drive the damn car!"

"Im trying! Have some patience!" Loki yells, reversing the car straight into another of Stark's vehicles, earning a yell from Jane (and Tony).


"I'm sorry!" he shouts, "(Y/n) will you fucking help-"

"You brought this upon yourself!" I snap, shifting the gear stick as I've watched the Midgardians do a couple of times.

The car lurches forward, Stark yelling unfathomable words at Loki as he speeds out of the garage.

The illusion cast upon Jane's stomach to conceal her pregnancy had dropped, revealing a larger than life belly.

"Wow.." Thor mumbles absent-mindedly.

"Hold her hand Thor." said Loki, watching in the rear view mirror as Thor looks nervously at Jane.

"Thor hold your wife's bloody hand!" I shout. He quickly takes hold of Jane's and lets her squeeze it tightly as a surge of pain passes through her.

"It's gone- it's gone." assured Jane again, "God, I'm so tired already..."

A yell from Jane causes Loki to swerve on the road, car horns and shouts echoing around the busy streets.

I yelp, Jane shouting again at Loki's driving.

"Faster Lokes." I urge.

"I would but there's too many cars, I can't overtake them, they're blocking the road." he groans, smacking the steering wheel with his hand in frustration.

"Hey, it's fine, we have time." I assure him, hand resting on his arm soothingly.

"Are you okay?"

"No Thor, I'm not... argh!... I'm not okay! I'm about to have babies on Tony Starks' leather carseat!" Jane shouts, breathing heavier.

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