Chapter 35: a Hamster and a Hulk

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Two Months Later

-Loki's POV-
(From the perspective of Loki)

"Good morning New York, this is Ben Urich and today, we're remembering a day of great tragedy. A day of loss on a scale like no other we, as humans, have ever faced before. Today marks the two month anniversary of what experts are labelling 'the blip'- and today we will honour the fallen."

"Turn this crap off." Thor huffs, slumped back lazily in his armchair.

"Sure thing, man." Korg, the giant made of rocks, nods, turning on the Xbox and logging onto the latest video game- Minecraft.

"Anyone wanna log on with me? Thor? Loki?" he asks.

I shake my head silently, looking out of the murky window in the run down cabin we've been staying in for the last six weeks.

"Don't get in a sulk because of that shit on the TV." Thor says, looking at me, "Forget about it. They're all dead. Dead, dead, dead. Now all we can do is eat, get fat, drink and get drunk."

A knock echoing through the room halts his drunken words, Miek hopping off of the couch and heading towards it. He opens the old wooden door and lets in whoever was knocking, earning a groan from Thor.

"Loki." Thor bellows, throwing a beer at me. I catch it in my hand and open it, taking quiet sips.

"You're looking better today." Thor notes, "Would you like something to eat?"

I shake my head silently, taking another sip of beer.

Miek comes waddling back into the living room and plops himself back on the couch beside Korg- to play Minecraft, no doubt.

"Who was at the door, Miek?" asks Korg, his eyes not leaving the screen.

"Thor?" a familiar voice calls. I turn my head to the doorway, surprised to see someone has come to this disgusting shack, taking a look at who it is.

I raise an eyebrow at the guests, the Hamster and the Hulk standing in the doorway- the ones from Avengers compound.

My heart speeds up slightly at the sight of the Hulk, remembering the past few times I've encountered the beast. Though, it looks more Bruce-like and somewhat tame. Something I'm sure I'll find more out about soon enough.

"Boys! Oh my god, it's so good to see you!" shouts Thor, wrapping the two guests in a lazy (and very unhygienic) hug.

"You know my friends, Miek and Korg, right? And Loki, my brother, of course." he smiles.

"Hey boys." smiles Korg.

"Hi." nods Bruce, awkwardly.

"Beer's in the bucket. Feel free to log on to the Wi-Fi. No password, obviously." says Korg, cheerfully, "Thor, he's back. The kid on the TV just called me a dickhead again. And he- oh my god! Did you see that? There is lava, all over my house. Knew I should have used cobblestone."

"NoobMaster?" growls Thor, angrily.

Not this fucking thing again.

"Yeah, NoobMaster69." confirms Korg.

Thor marches over to Korg, takes the headphones off of him and holds it up to his ear, snarling angrily- seething with rage over a pathetic video game.

"Noobmaster? Hey there. Yeah, it's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? You may have heard of me. Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I am going to fly over to your house, come down to that crusty old basement you're hiding in, tear off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right! Go cry to your father you pathetic little weasel." yells Thor, holding the headphones back out to Korg, "Tell me if he ever bothers you again."

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