Chapter 38: Oaf in a Hot Tub

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⚠️TW: Drowning⚠️

-Loki's POV-
(From the perspective of Loki)

Two weeks.

Two fucking weeks, and we've finally gotten to a stage where we can test this dumb machine.

But, before that happens, I may as well run you through the irrelevant details that you're supposed to be interested in, but overall summarises my current mental and physical state (and the mental and physical state of those around me).

Yeah, I know how this shit works.

Well, I'm alive- always a preference of mine. Most of the time.

So is Thor. And... everyone who was alive two weeks ago.

Basically, nobody has died. Look at that positivity.

The machinery looks promising, I can't fault Stark on his efforts. And, much to my surprise, the guy is pretty smart. Not just with technology and revolutionary discovery among humans, but also with logic. He's simple. I like it.

In a conversation with Steve, he told me Stark is surprising- not that I doubted that at all-, in the way he's selflessly selfish, and annoyingly smart. Perhaps I'm ranting now about my 'Andrew admiration'- but he isn't as awful as I thought.


"Brother." Thor calls, sitting down beside where I sit in the hot tub.

Yes. I'll admit. I am indeed in a hot tub. But, in my defence, they're deeply relaxing and nice when you don't have other people around. Like Thor.

"I thought I might join you, I was just in the gym." he smiles, fiddling with the heat settings.

"Thor, the temperature is perfect- you do not need to change it." I tell him as he continues pressing buttons, "No, that's the coloured lights, don't press that."

"Where are the bubbles?" he smiles.

"Do not turn those ghastly bubbles on!" I demand.

"Lighten up, brother!" Thor smiles, "Only for a few minutes."

"I don't want them on! They ruin the temperature of the water, they stink of chlorine and they're loud- the opposite of relaxation, which is the purpose of this pool." I reason.

"But, among all those things brother, they're fun." he chuckles, turning them on to the maximum limit, "And they make your ass feel funny."

"Thor!" I yelp, the hot tub erupting into powerful bubbles, "Turn it off, you twit!"

"Enjoy it, brother!" he smiles.

I jump quickly out of the hot tub, hurrying to the control panel on the other side of Thor.

"Leave them on!" he shouts, shielding the controls.


"Keep the bubbles on!"

"Fine. Let me fix the temperature first."


"Just let me turn them off you oaf, I hate them!"

"What's going on in here?" Steve yells, walking into the room and heading towards us, fully clothed and seemingly in a rush.

"Did you just fucking bite me?" I shout.

"The bubbles stay on!" Thor bellows.

I try pushing Thor away, but end up being dragged into the hot tub by him, the two of us wrestling as I continue trying to reach the control panel whilst he defends it. My head plunges underwater, suffocating in the aggressive bubbles, inhaling quite a few of them- which only fuels my hatred for the things.

"Boys!" Steve yells, zapping Thor with a taser withdrawn from his belt which, in turn, zapped me.

Much to my appreciation, the bubbles come to an abrupt halt, my lungs aching for breath. I feel a strong hand (Thor's, I assume) wrapping around the back of my neck and pulling my head above the water.

"You idio-"

"The test run is starting, hurry up." Steve demands, looking at us sternly.

"Now?" Thor asks.

"Now." Steve confirms, leaving hurriedly.

"Shit. Loki, come on." Thor nods, getting out of the hot tub and grabbing a towel, drying himself.

"You grabbed my towel!" I complain.

"Loki! This is not time for your pettiness! Just use mine!" Thor snaps, angrily.

I jump slightly at his sudden change of tone, quickly going to use his towel.

Just seconds after, a voice crackles on the intercom- but this time it's not (Y/n)'s psychopath brother. Unless...

"Hey everyone, it's me." Tony says over the intercom.

I think I preferred the brother.

"Everybody get your asses into the main hall now, we're giving you five minutes."

"We have to get dressed." Thor says, hurriedly, running out of the room and towards his own.

I nod and follow suit, running up to mine and (Y/n)'s room.

In about a minute and a half, I was out the door and waiting for Thor.

That numb-skull took another three minutes, meaning we have barely any time to get to the main hall before the security doors lock us out.

Lucky for us, living in the palace for most of our lives, we have some good tactics on getting around large places.

So, we rush down the stairs and towards the main hall, watching as the barriers slowly move downwards.

"We're gonna make it." Thor tells me, "We're gonna ma-"

We didn't make it.

"This can't be real." I mutter.

"It's going to work out." Thor tells me, "Just because we aren't in there to greet everyone, doesn't mean we won't get to see them. We just have to wait."

"Thor. They are starting without us." I snap, angrily, "It took you so long to get out of your fucking room!"

"I needed the toilet!"

"Do I look like I care about your bladder?" I glare.

"Maybe we can still get inside?" Thor suggests.

"Forget it, Thor. I can't believe you've done this."

"Don't just blame me!"

"I am blaming you! It's your fault!"

"Sorry I didn't schedule my bladder for your convenience."

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