Chapter 69: Suspicious

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Im so sorry for not being active lately! I've recently been through some medical trouble and really havent had the motivation or time. I hate making excuses, but I really want to know what you'd like to happen in the story next. Also, I was thinking of (once this fic has finished😭) making a Draco Malfoy x Reader story, because I've always loved him too. Comment any ideas or requests or anything.

Thank you so much for 21k reads, it's literally CRAZY that I have got this far, so thank you. It means a lot.

Make sure to comment if you're enjoying or your thoughts or if you have something funny to say!

Your comments make my day and I always love replying to them. Anyway, now lets get onto the (long needed) next chapter :)

And Im sorry if its short :/

Thank youu!!



For once, I actually listened to Loki and went downstairs to the kitchen to go grab some food. Tony was making himself a drink and nodded towards me as he noticed me come in.

"Hey kid, how you doing?" he asks, leaning against the counter casually.

"I'm alright, have you seen Loki?" I ask, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Mhm, yeah, loverboy is freaking out with Thor and Jane." he chuckled.

"Hm? Why?" I question.

"Ohh, yeah, I can't tell you." he smirks.

"Why not?"

"Because I can't."


"What are you? Five? I can't tell you."

"Ugh, you're no fun." I snarl, kicking him in the shin, "Could you tell me where he is at least?"

"No. But your uh, 'mother' person, she's talking with the guys in the living room. Steve says we can trust her. (Y/n), I know this is a rough patch for you, but I really need you to work with us here, okay kid?" he asks.

"Yeah... yeah, okay. I'll... I'll give it a shot. Just, where is my damn boyfriend?" I ask.

"Give your 'damn boyfriend' some privacy and go find Steve. And tell Peter to go to bed, for God sake its 2am." he replies, sipping his drink and leaning on the counter.

"Tell him yourself, I'm not Friday." I chuckle, grabbing some cereal and walking to the lounge.

Sitting there was the devil woman, Skadi, with Steve and Scott.

This would be interesting.

"You're awake." smiled Steve, shuffling over on the couch so I could sit there. I sit next to him and avoid eye contact with Skadi.

"Be nice." Steve whispered, "She's friendly."

"Did you sleep well, (Y/n)?" Skadi asks.

"Well enough." I reply, trying to contain my mixed emotions.

I'd be lying to say I didn't want to hug her, but I also wanted to tear her stupid head off.

After all, for 1047 years, that was my mum.


"Excellent. I'm glad to hear it, button." she smiles.

"Don't call me button." I say quickly.

I look at Steve who seems to be smirking to himself.

"What?" I ask.

".... button?" he chuckles.

I punch him in the arm and he laughs.

Great. Can't wait for the whole tower to start calling me button-

"Where is your boyfriend?" she asks.

"I have.. no idea." I say, honestly, "Somewhere. I dunno, I don't own him."

"Right..." she'd say, awkwardly.

I roll my eyes and leave the room, having had enough of her annoying face for one day. As I leave, I see Loki shaking and talking nervously to Thor.

"What if she says no? She's going to say no- f*cking hell! She's gonna say no, isn't she!" Loki mumbles to him.

"She loves you very much! Don't be daft, Loki. I know for a fact she's obsessed with you, you're perfect for each other. Why would she ever say no?" Thor assures him.

I quickly run up the stairs, making sure to go unnoticed.

I don't think I was supposed to hear that conversation.

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