Chapter 17: Stitches

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⚠️TW: blood / injury detail⚠️

I wake up comfortably, nestled into a cosy body.

Not warm, but cosy all the same.

I look up, coming face to face with a sleeping Loki.

"Loki." I whisper, "Loki get up."

No reply.

"Loki." I say, my voice raised, "Get up, lazy."

I poke him in the face, and still he remains asleep.

"This is your fault, by the way." I justify, as I slap him hard across the face, the sound of the contact echoing.

And still, he's asleep.

"How are you still..." I admire him carefully, finding a red stain beneath him on the mattress.

Blood. And lots of it.

"Loki?" I gasp, "Loki, wake up. Loki. Loki. Loki!"

I turn him over to lie on his back, trying to locate the bleeding. Almost instantly, I see the large red stain on his stomach, the blood still coming.

How long he'd been bleeding could mean life or death.

I put pressure on the wound, trying to cease the dark blood from escaping.

I rush to the kitchen, wetting a towel with warm water and grabbing the first aid kit.

"Hey, where are you going with that, Blue?" Tony calls.

As usual, I ignore him and hurry back to Loki, lifting up his shirt to reveal his toned stomach. I look at the large wound, deducing that it had only been made recently.

Holding warm towel against him, I whisper his name hopefully, waiting for him to wake and explain everything.

Once the wound is clean enough, I grab the equipment to start stitching it.

I'm extremely and undoubtedly unqualified to do stitches- no question. But, it's not like I have a choice.

"Uh, sorry?" I mutter, as I start the first 'stitch'.

I glance at Loki, watching his eyes open slowly, his brow furrowed.

"What in the nine worlds are you doing?" he groans.

"Stitches, you bled all over the bed. Any idea how that happened?" I ask.

"Demon." he mumbles, nonchalantly.

"A demon? What does a demon want with you?" I ask, "What did you promise it?"

"Someone's nosy." he laughs.

"Sorry- I'm just a tad concerned as to why a demon stabbed you in your sleep." I explain.

"Well it's dead now."

"How do you know?" I ask.

"I just do, now will you hurry up with those bloody stitches?" he huffs.

"I'm nearly done, don't get your knickers in a twist." I smirks.

"Do you even know how to do stitches?" he asks.

"How hard could it be? I'm pretty sure I've done it right." I shrug.

"If this gets infected, I'm going to hang you by your feet from the top of this building." he threatens.

"You wound me, Loki. Truly." I laugh, finishing the final 'stitch'.

"Has anybody found a body, by the way?" he questions.

"I beg your pardon?"

"A body. Corpse. A little toddler-sized demon perhaps." he suggests.

"No." I say.

"Perhaps the little bugger is still alive." he says, looking around the room, "Will you help me look?"

"Do I have to?" I ask.

"I'm hardly asking for much." he states.

"Fine." I sigh, pulling his shirt down and getting off the bed, "Where will this thing be?" I ask.

"Oh there it is-"

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