Chapter 12: A New Friend

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I walk through the lounge where everyone stands, pushing through to get to the room we were staying in before. 

"Is everything alright, (Y/n)?" asks the teenager, Peter.

I notice a few of the Avengers missing, the weird gang of creatures too.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I dismiss, walking into the bedroom and shutting the door behind me.


I sleep for a solid hour or so, waking up to the sound of someone's voice.

"(Y/n)?" they whisper, "Hello? (Y/n)?"

I open my eyes to see Loki sitting on his bed cross-legged, peering over at me.

"What do you want, Loki?" I sigh, closing my eyes again.

"Anthony has ordered food and we are going to watch something called a 'movie'. I was wondering if you'd like to attend?" he asks.

"Did Thor send you?" I question, curiously.

"No. Are you attending or not?" he repeats.

"Fine, yeah, I will." I sigh, "Now go away, I'll be ten minutes."

I watch him roll his eyes and get under his bed covers, switching off the lamp and drawing the curtains.

"Tired?" I ask.

"Very." he sighs, nestling comfortably into his bed.

I face the opposite direction, closing my eyes once again, slipping away into a dreamless sleep.


"(Y/n), Loki, up." Valkyrie yells, pulling back both of our duvets, "Pizza is here, get off your asses."

With a quiet groan, I get out of my bed and look at Loki.

"Get up."




I grab his arm and push him off of the bed, laughing as the sound of him hitting the floor echoes through the bedroom.

He gets up and glares at me, fixing his hair and walking out. I follow him to the lounge are, the Avengers all sitting on the couch in front of a wide, yet thin black rectangle.

"No. I'm not watching any more Chic Flicks." says a brunette man, who I heard Steve calling 'Bucky' before, looking irritated.

"Oh come on, cheer up old man. Even I admit that Mean Girls is a film we could all do with watching again." teases Tony, smugly.

Pressing a few buttons on a remote control, the screen begins to play a Midgardian Movie, Bucky seeming to secretly enjoy it despite his earlier protesting.

Me, Jane and Valkyrie all sit at one end of a sofa, Thor sat next to Jane but on the other side. I look around, unable to spot Loki, until something catches my eye.

Sitting by the large window, Loki sits on a chair, looking out at the City of New York silently.

Just as the four girls on the television screen get up onto a stage to perform 'Jingle Bell Rock', I stand up and slowly make my way over to Loki.

I sit down beside him, causing him to glance in my direction.

"Hey." I say, avoiding his gaze and looking out at the city.

"Hey." he replies, a small smile flashing on his lips before disappearing again.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask.

"This city. How much chaos I caused. How many people suffered." he admits, scanning over the large buildings and simple architecture.

Slowly, I take hold of his hand, resting mine on top of it.

"We all do bad things. I myself couldn't get enough chaos back on Vanaheim. I loved it." I say, smiling silently at the fond memories.

"This is more than childish trickery, (Y/n)." he admits, "I have blood on my hands that can never be scrubbed off. Lives that I have taken of which I cannot give back."

"Well, we all have bad days." I smile sadly, "But, you have people here who care about you."

"Name one person."

"Thor. Jane. Valkyrie."

"They don't care about me. They couldn't care less about me. They only need me for my abilities and information." he replies.

"You've got me." I suggest.

"You? Is that some sort of joke?" he asks, shaking his head.

"No." I admit honestly, "Consider me your.. friend."

He turns to face me and grips my hand carefully, squeezing it with reassurance. I look him in the eyes and smile.

He pulls me onto my feet and into him, wrapping me in a large hug.

His embrace is so warm, yet he feels so cold.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Don't get used to it." he replies, laughing lightly into my shoulder.

After a few more seconds, we pull apart and i smile at him, walking over to the others to get another piece of pizza. They all eye me suspiciously as some random dramatic scene plays on the television.

"What the fuck is up with you, dorks?" I ask, giving them all quizzical looks.

"Are you friends with my brother?" asked Thor, bluntly.

"I don't know." I reply, sitting down next to Valkyrie.

After the Midgardian Movie ends, I bid everyone farewell and head back to the room, grabbing a Midgardian book from 'Loki's stolen stash'.

I jump onto my bed and relax, enjoying the intriguing literature Midgard has to offer.

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