Chapter 11: Look Who Returns

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A vibrant blur of blue masks my vision, suddenly feeling a fluttering sensation in my stomach. After only a few seconds, I feel new ground beneath my feet.

I open my eyes, scanning my surroundings to find myself in some sort of Lab, Loki standing beside me. I feel as though all the energy has been drained from within me, my back aching and my eyelids drooping.

Cuts, bruises and burns cover my skin, the energy of the tesseract doing quite some damage.

I suspect Loki has the same problem.

"Is that.. Loki? And his girlfriend?" asks Bruce Banner, the sleeves of his lab coat rolled up and his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

"Shit..." Stark mutters, "How did you do that?"

"Help from an old friend." Loki answers, glaring at them.

"What do you want Reindeer Games?" he asks, peering at Loki questioningly.

"Well, unlike last time, I'm not here to throw you out of a window." Loki smirks.

"Shame. Would've been entertaining." I mumble quietly.

"Will you shut up for five damn seconds?" Loki snaps.

"Who said you got to do all the talking?" I argue, "I want to say stuff too."

"You've said enough!" Loki answers, "Just shut up."

"I said four words." I huff, forgetting about the two scientists watching.

"Well now you've said twenty-three words, which is twenty-three words more than I would have liked, so please do me the honour of shutting up." Loki seethes.

"You have a word count on me now?" I ask.

"No, my brain just happens to be bigger than yours." he smirks, proudly.

"Greasy emo." I mutter.

"Is this what Thor warned us about?" whispers a teenager standing beside Stark.

"Obviously." Stark retorts, looking unimpressed.

"Well what are you looking so miserable about?" I ask.

"You two are even more irritating than me." Stark sighs.

"Are you two like... together?" asks the teenager.

"No, I have standards." I laugh, glancing at Loki.

"Oh really?" Loki scoffs, "Bold of someone like you to have standards."

"Oh for God's sake will you just shut up? Both of you?" yells Stark.

Thor, Jane, Valkyrie and a crowd of Avengers enter the lab, walking to us.

"Are you alright?" asks Thor, looking at us both.

"They're irritating." Stark says.

"You've fucking mentioned-" I scoff.

"Should we not be considering the matter at hand?" interjected Steve, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Indeed." nods Thor, "Did Thanos give you any hints as to what he has planned? His next location, perhaps?"

"Well, we all know his plan. Get the infinity stone-gem-rock thingies. Half the population goes poof." I explain, "So, think about it. He won't go to Earth now, since he sent me and Loki here for a stone already, so that rules out the Time, Space and Mind stone. He already has the power stone, so, he could go for the Aether, or the Soul Stone."

"So he'll be on his way to the Soul Stone." Loki adds.

"Look who the stupid one is now." I laugh, "There is no way of knowing where the soul stone is without the map."

"He has the map." Loki argues.

"Why didn't you say that before?" I ask.

"I did!" he replies.

"No! No you did not!" I yell, "How do you know?"

"I know people." he explains, "And there's word going around that his daughter has it."

"So... his daughter will give it to him?" Thor asks.

"No." calls a female voice from across the room, a bizarre group of creatures behind her. There's a normal person (a human I presume), a small tree-like being, a raccoon, a large grey man with red patterns running across his skin and a young girl with antenna.

The woman who spoke has light green skin with silver markings on her face, red hair running down to just below her shoulders.

"And who might you be?" Loki asks.

"This is Mean Green, Mr Clean, Kung Fu Panda, Mr Lord, Jimmeny Cricket and Groot." Tony explains.

"Helpful." I mutter.

"(Y/n), Loki, this is Gamora. Daughter of Thanos." Steve adds.

"Your his daughter?" I ask.

"To an extent." she nods.

"So you have the map." Loki deduces.

"She doesn't really get along with her Dad." the human, who Stark referred to as 'Mr Lord', says, "We can help you put an end to him."

"How can I trust you?" I ask.

"Chill out Scary Spice, they are on our side." Stark says, calmly.

"So we're supposed to just take her word for it?" I scoff.

"They trusted you." Gamora snaps, "And, let's be honest, you haven't been telling the whole truth have you?"

"I don't know what your talking about." I answer.

"Really, princess?" she smirks.

My head its upwards at the name, Thor gripping hold of my suddenly.

"Come with me." Thor says, pulling me out of the room and away from all of the others, Loki following close behind.

"Get off me, oaf." I huff as he pulls me into the kitchen of the compound.

"You said you had no royal status." Thor says, looking at me, "Are you a daughter of Njord?"

"No, I'm not. Well I was, but I'm not anymore. It's complicated." I answer, truthfully, "Can I go now?"

"Why did you lie?" he asks.

"I didn't lie, I don't have a royal status." I argue.

"Tell us the truth." Loki says, "The full truth."

I look up and glare at him, "Well I don't know that much about you. Why are you so assed about my life?"

"Fine, but... don't hide things from us, alright?" Thor bargains.

"Deal." I nod, grabbing a bottle of water, "I'm going to the room for a nap." I add, walking off.

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