Chapter 43: Are You Flirting With Me?

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"Talk, Stark." I demand, both me and Loki sitting down on the couch as Anthony Stark stands before us.

"It is a lovely day, and I'm doing great, thanks for asking." Tony nods, amusement etched on his face.

"Of course, and as you can see I'm laughing very hard, but could you get to the point?" Loki pleads, sarcastically.

"Fine. You two goblins are part of the team now." Tony announces, "Even though I dislike you both, I like you. So... well, you're Avengers now."

"Just like that?" I question.

"Yep. Just like that. We'll sort contracts and legal stuff another time." Stark shrugs, making his way out the door, "You can go now. I've said my piece."

"Thank you." I blurt, Tony stopping in his tracks, "For... y'know... this."

Eyes filled with a new emotion (sentiment, perhaps?), the billionaire nods his head, acknowledges the thanks and leaves.

"Avengers, hm?" I retort, filling the silence between me and Loki, "Never saw that coming a few months ago."

"In all honesty, me neither. I go by many names, but an 'avenger' is certainly not one of them." Loki agrees, sitting down in the quiet room.

"Well, congratulations." I smile, playfulness in my tone.

"I'm flattered." he nods.

"Do I not get one back?" I scoff, raising a brow at the emo Asgardian sitting across from me.

A laugh is returned, but once again the silence makes its way into the room- though, not uncomfortable.

"The world's a stage..." Loki mutters.

"Shakespeare." I nod, "Interesting time to throw in a quote."

Loki nods, "It's an interesting metaphor."

"I wonder what play we'd be in?" I question, fiddling with my Midgardian shoes propped up on the couch, "I reckon Shakespeare could make us into a good story-"

"Much Ado About Nothing." he answers after some thought, gazing in my direction.

"A comedy?"


"Thor and Jane as Claudio and Hero. Understood." I nod, "What about us?"

"Benedick and Beatrice." he says, simply.

"You think there's a merry war betwixt us?" I laugh.

"Well you love a witty repartee."

"Couldn't necessarily disagree." I shrug, "Yet what part of you believes we're in love? Or soon to be?" I quip, awaiting his reply.

"What part of you believes I'm going to answer that question?" he smirks, knowingly.

"A comedy." I scoff, "Your life is a comedy he said. Laugh he said."

"So bitter." he groans, "Thor and Jane just got engaged."

"Well, my dear lady disdain, I suppose I better go talk to them."

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