Chapter 30: Marry Me

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Me and Loki both sit at the bar enjoying each other's company, until the teenager comes over to the bar to order a drink- despite the bartender being on their break.

"Are you just gonna wait half an hour until the bar tender is back?" I laugh, looking at him.

"Oh... uh... I thought she'd be back." he says, fumbling over his words.

"What do you want?" I ask, climbing over the bar and looking around at the different areas.

"Uh, I don't actually think we're allowed to do that." he says.

"Stark owns the place- we break something, he pays." Loki smirks, "Actually, the more I think about that.. the more I want to break things."

"What did you want to drink, kid?" I ask again.

"Um, a lemonade, maybe?" he suggests.

"You don't want a drink drink." I smirk.

"I'm underage." he answers.


"So... it's illegal."

"Do you see any guards here?" I ask, suggestively.

"I don't." Loki smirks, hopping over the bar with me.

"Guys..." the teenager begins.

Loki places a glass of lemonade in front of the boy and starts looking through the selection of alcohol, pondering over which one to select.

"Oh.. thanks. I'm Peter by the way." the boy says, picking up his drink and taking a sip.

"Loki." Loki mumbles, looking through the drinks still.

"(Y/n)." I nod, watching over Loki's shoulder.

"What are you looking for?" Peter asks.

"Drinks." Loki says, "Alcoholic, preferably."

"Oh." Peter nods, "Well, actually, I was gonna do a prank on Mr Stark, if you wanted to help?"

"A prank?" Loki asks.

"Wha- I thought you were the 'God of Mischief'? How do you not know what a prank is?" Peter questions.

"Perhaps I'd benefit more from you telling me than questioning me." Loki huffs.

"Oh- well, it's a practical joke, basically." the teen says.

"You mean a trick?" Loki says.

"Exactly!" Peter nods.

"Why didn't you just say trick?" I ask.

"Uh, we call them pranks here. On Midgard. I'm from here." Peter nods.

"Right. Well, what is your trick? Shave Thor's beard? Beetles in his socks? Exchange his bathwater with mud whilst he is bathing?" Loki asks.

"Ooh, I like that last one." I smile.

"Wha- no! I was thinking more... salt it his drink." Peter suggests.

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