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That hurt like hell. My baby! Kacchan hurry. I sent through the link having slept for a little while after they brought me here. A few more explosions and more screams from outside was all I heard.

"What's going on outside?" Yuri asked.

"My Alpha." I tell her.

"Well shit. I wouldn't want to be in his way.

"Neither do they. But here we are. Have these bars hurt a baby?" I asked worry in my voice.

"Yeah. The last omega they brought in before you was 9 months pregnant she was ready to pop, she touched the bars by accident and was sent into labor. She gave birth to a still born that night. She died soon after." Yuri tells me.

"Oh no! My baby!" I whisper yelled, not wanting our captors to know.

"Baby? You mean your?"

"Yes. My Alpha will do anything to get us back. Mostly kill and destroy. I have to get out of here." I tell the wide eyed omega.

"Come closer. My quirk let's me detect heart beats but only by touch." Yuri tells me, her hand carefully reaching between the bars. I get as close to her as I can without touching the bars. Her hand placed on my stomach a faint yellow light surrounds us as she activated her quirk.

"They're strong. That didn't hurt them, much. Just try not to touch the bars again." Yuri tells me, pulling her hand back through the electrified bars.

"Thank god! it's ok. Wait, them?! Did you say them?" I asked her, confused.

"Yes, them. Have you not had an ultrasound yet?" She asked, confusion written on her face.

"No, the doctor told me I was only a few weeks into my first trimester. Gave me pamphlets and basically told us to leave." I tell her, shoving the memory away.

"Make an ultrasound appointment for next week if we get out of here. I won't spoil the surprise. Congratulations." Yuri said with a smile.

Then we heard a huge explosion and then an alpha's roar. The sound had me trembling with desire and a need to answer the call. So I did. I let my face shift into my tiger and I roared answering Kacchan's call with my own.

A few tense minutes filled with explosions and screams and then I smelled him. His spicy cinnamon and caramel scent each with a hint of burtness to it. Kacchan stood in the doorway searching the room for me. I let my scent fill the space and his nose instantly caught my scent. He followed it until he found me in the cage.

"Yuri, stay close to me. Let my scent protect you. His Alpha only knows to protect me and if I bring him out of it now we may die." I whisper to her as Kacchan charges for me. His hands touching the bars as he ripped them out of the ground. He sniffed the air again and then did the same with Yuri's cage. Each time getting shocked that only seemed to encourage him more.

"What do we have here? The little Omegas have a big bad Alpha protecting them?" Cooed a man with a purple mist surrounding him.

Kacchan growls and then shouts, "Freeze!" In his all powerful Alpha command. His pheromones on full display, strengthening me if only a little and making Yuri submit. "Fight it." I tell her just above a whisper, grabbing her arm and lifting her over my shoulder.

"Mate, put her down." Kacchan's Alpha orders, this order not having much strength to it, allowing me to fight it off just barely.

"No Alpha, we are taking her with us and that is final!" I simply tell the Alpha, remembering how my Omega addressed him.

"Put her down." He growled.

"No. She comes." Without another word Yuri and I are picked up and carried past the shocked villains and out the hole Kacchan made earlier. As we exit the warehouse I can see buildings collapsed, Pros rescuing trapped civilians while others tried to stop my alpha as he carried us out. Mustering up all the strength I had left I yelled, "Pros! Leave the Alpha to me!" As one shot us with ice. How'd they figure that out?

"Izuku! Your safe!" Ocha yelled back to me. That's when I noticed all of class 1a was here helping the Pros pull the civilians from underneath the destroyed buildings.

"Kid! We are not leaving him to you! He's feral! Dangerous!" Several heroes yelled surrounding us.

"Deal with the villains inside, I'll deal with My alpha." I sigh, hoping my face looks more intimidating and powerful than I feel.


"Guys! In here! They're all frozen in place."

"I told you. Now go. Let us go."

"Fine kid, make sure he doesn't cause any more damage."

"Yes, sir!" I smile up at the pro as he left us to deal with the villains Kacchan's command had temporarily frozen.

"Out of the way!" I yelled as I heard people running past us. A few heroes were standing in our path but a warning from me followed by an explosion from Kacchan had them scrambling away from us. Kacchan kept walking with Yuri slung over his shoulder and me cradled against his chest with one arm.

The sounds of civilization soon shifted into the familiar sounds of nature just as the sun was setting. Kacchan set us down listening for any dangers. I listened to and having found none I whacked Kacchan upside the head with my hand as hard as I could. After a few seconds of Kacchan growling his scent reverted back to normal and his yell, "what the fuck was that for Izu!" Filled the empty forest. I pulled my scent back now that Kacchan is back to normal, we could decide what to do with Yuri.

"Oi! What stinks!" Kacchan's nose wrinkled up as Yuri's sandalwood and fresh sliced orange scent hit his nose. The scent no longer blocked by mine.

"Be nice!" I shouted eyeing him.

"Who the fuck is she?" Kacchan asked, spotting the pink haired girl.

"Yuri. You saved her. Now we need to find a place she can stay."

"Actually I smell my mate close by. I think I'm going to follow the trail. Izuku, do you have a collar I can barrow?"

"No sorry. Mine was fried." I tell her.

"Thats, okay." She says, head hung low.

"Oh I know! We can go with you. He's back to normal now so he won't cause problems. Plus I need to make that appointment." I tell her and she perks up.

"Follow me!" She shrieks happily leading us back into town.

"Shit! What happened here?" Kacchan asked, seeing the destruction.

"You." I simply say, following Yuri through broken streets and around downed power lines and heroes saving people. Until she stopped walking, in front of a downed building where Shouto is working beside his father to pull out stranded civilians from under the collapsed building.

"Who is your mate?" I asked, she pointed to Shouto who had stopped working to sniff the air.

"Oi! Icy hot! Come here!" Kacchan yelled to him.

"Mine!" He growled and charged Yuri. She shrieked in surprise when Shouto picked her up and nuzzled her neck. Shouto let out a possessive growl when he caught Kacchan's scent on, the air.

"Good luck Yuri!" I called, shoving Kacchan away from the new couple to avoid an all out Alpha fight.


So now there are officially only two chapters left till The Cursed Alpha is finished. Keep reading and this book will be fully published by the end of the week! Thank you all so much for making this a hit!

Edit: January 2023

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