Shitty Assembly p3/4

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"Dude, we're so dead when Bakubro wakes up."

"I know but at least he's quiet now." Denki replied, picking up a familiar twitching green cat off the ground.

"What do we do with this? It smells like an omega. A really good omega" He asked, holding it at arm's length,  his eyes starting to darken.

"Dude you fried Midobro too! We are so dead!" I yelled, snatching Midobro from his grip as I did his collar feel to the ground with a thud and pretty soon all of the Alphas were racing to us fighting each other to get to us. I turned and ran with Midobro in my arms.

Trying to out run Alphas in rut or pre-rut is fucking hard. It's times like this I wish I had a speed quirk. Shoto was right behind me followed closely by Bakubro, wait when did he wake up!? I risk another look behind him and see that Bakubro is running on Instinct alone. Is Midobro in heat? Shit! I can't tell!

Going off the number of Alphas chasing us I'd say he was or at least close to heat. I look down at the cat in my arms and notice a faint scar in the shape of teeth around one of his scent glands. Is he marked? No, if he was, his heat would only affect his Alpha. So whose bite is that? I think running through buildings and across rooftops out running most of the Alphas but Bakubro and Shoto. Bakubro's eyes locked onto the unconscious green cat in my arms as he got closer. Shit, I shouldn't have looked back.

"Mine!" Bakubro roars his Alpha pheromones, stopping me mid run. Shoto seems like he wants to get closer to us but Bakubro's all powerful 'I will kill you without blinking' aura has him staying put. I tried to stand up and run again but Bakubro's order of, "don't move beta!" Was so unavoidable  and powerful that I had to obey. So I stayed where I was, clutching the slowly waking omega to my chest trying to keep his scent from leaking out, even though I couldn't smell it.

"Give him to me, beta!" Bakubro's Alpha ordered me. I tried fighting this one too but again failed.

"Bakubro! Snap out of it!" I yelled trying to get him back to normal as my body obeyed his command. Holding Midobro out to him. He walked forward but before he could take him, Aizawa and Midnight blocked his path. Aizawa wrapped his scarf around Bakubro, erasing his quirk as Midnight unzipped her sleeve and activated her sleeping gas towards Bakubro.

"Problem children." Aizawa muttered, blinking.

"He's not out yet!" Midnight night shouted as Bakubro set off an explosion inside Aizawa's capture gear, shredding it.

"Why isn't it working!" Midnight asked looking around for a plan B when she spotted how I was positioned.

"Eijirou run!" She yelled as Bakubro charged her.

"I can't!" I yelled back, struggling against the Alpha command.

"He can use commands at such a young age?" Aizawa stared wide eyed as Bakubro charged him next. He dodged.

"Fucking omegas! Leave!" He shouted. I watched in awed horror as Midnight and Aizawa left the fight. Both unable to disobey.

"What now Aizawa! I can't stop walking! The kids Alpha is strong!" I heard Midnight yell.
"Send All Might?"

"We can't do that! He'll see it as a challenge for Izuku. The poor boy's in heat and it's only getting worse." Midnight yells.

"I know! But what other choice do we have? He's a cat and I can't erase his quirk when he's over used it."

I tuned out the rest of the Pro heroes conversation because Bakubro is now standing in front of me taking a now awake Midobro from my hands. With the omega out of my hands my body goes limp and the world goes black.

Edit: January 2023

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