Shitty Meeting

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After Izu scratched my face I left the classroom to get some bandages and lunch. Shitty hair followed me. He was talking about something, I didn't care much to pay attention. My mind kept going back to what Mitsuki said to me. I'm never going to be able to come back. At least I have Izu and Auntie. He hasn't pushed me away, yet. I hope I didn't hurt him too badly. I'll grab him something too, as an apology. We get to the store in a few minutes. Picking up a shitty shopping basket we wander around the isles. Grabbing bandages, disinfectants, cotton balls, three instant noodles and a white hedgehog stuffy for Izu. I put it all into the basket. When I pick it up off the ground it feels heavier than it should be, but I brush it off and start walking to the register. At the register I see a set of limited edition All Might collar and bracelet ornaments. I grab that and add it to the pile.

"Bakubro, what do we do with the green cat?" Shitty hair asks.

"Green cat? What the fuck you talking about Shitty Hair?"

"That one." He points to a familiar sleeping fuzzy green cat in the bottom of the basket. Gently I pick up Izu cat and hold him in my arms doing my best to keep him in his adorable ball.

"Pay for the stuff Ei." I tell him, indicating my wallet. He grabbed my wallet out of my back pocket and paid for everything. The cashier had bagged it all for us so Ei carried it after shoving my wallet back into my pocket. He started rambling about something again but I shut him up with a warning growl as I watched the green omega sleep in his cat form. We got back to the classroom in a few minutes and Shitty Hair made our lunch with some hot water. I sat down at my desk with Izu sleeping soundly in my lap. The Nerd slept through lunch and the rest of the classes. I took notes for him though. Every fucking teacher wanted to know where Izu was. I ignored them all.

Fucking Round Face told them he turned into a green cat and ran off during lunch. The stupid extras couldn't see the Nerd on my lap sleeping soundly. In the middle of the last class of the day he roared in his sleep and started to transform into his tiger form under my desk which woke him long enough to hop off my lap and lay on the ground beneath my feet finishing his transformation. The extras stared at him with a stupid face so I yelled at them all, "Fuck off!" They stopped staring after that. Izu would sometimes roar or purr in his sleep and it made the fucking extras either jump or fucking laugh or giggle. I growled at the extras hating the laughing. When class was finally over I packed mine and the Nerds bags before I attempted to wake the sleeping tiger Izu.

"Oi! Whose got Izu's fucking clothes!" I yell.

"Here they are! Ribbit." Frog girl responds from across the room. She walks over fucking strange. She hands me the clothes before she heads back to her desk to head home. With most of the extras out of the classroom I get to work waking Izu. I tried shaking, kicking, yelling, stomping and petting. All of them failed. "Stupid Nerd." I huff. I settled on picking him up and carrying the giant tiger to the teachers lounge.

After getting him positioned over my shoulder I grabbed our bags and walked to the long ass hallway passed wide eyed extras to the teachers lounge. I kicked the door in and walked in. I set Izu on the ground in front of the homeroom Hobo and Loud Mouthed English teacher making out. They jumped apart when they noticed me. Hobo erased Izu's transformation, leaving him with his cat ears and tail but also naked. Hot. I tossed his clothes over his naked form as he kept sleeping. "Oi! Nerd! Wake up!" I yelled in his ear. He swatted at me and grumbled "five more minutes." As he rolled over. "Oi! Loud mouth wake Izu!" Hobo blinked and the omega's quirk reactivated,I think. Loud Mouth screamed somewhat quietly when everyone's ears were covered. Izu woke up hissing with his tail straight and puffy and ears back. His eyes glowed green and narrowed into slits.

"What the fuck!" Izu yelled around a hiss. He looked around and then down and blushed. Transforming into his adorable fuzzy cat with an angry "meow" before settling on my head.

"You wanted to see us?" I mumble sitting in a chair. Hobo cleared his throat.

"Yes. Can either of you tell me what happened this morning?"

"Fucking extras being fucking dickwads. Not fucking moving. Fucking extras."

Hobo looks confused and turns to cat Izu who meows as if he's telling the whole story. Hobo sighs again, pinches the bridge of his nose before getting up and grabbing a laptop. He sets it on the table and turns to him. "Now please explain what happened." Nerd hops off my head and begins telling Hobo what happened. It takes a long ass fucking time for him to move between keys without touching the other keys. The sun is setting when he's finally done and nudges Hobo awake with his head. I glanced at his explanation and it looked like one long ass mumble fit.

He refused to hit the fucking space bar the whole fucking time. Hobo and Loudmouth's faces went from mildly concerned to fucking pissed the fuck off in no time. They looked at each other and then Loudmouth yelled, "Emergency faulty meeting!" After a few minutes of waiting every teacher was in the lounge. Even the cat-dog-mouse fucker. Izu trotted up to him when he spotted the principal and started admiringly meowing at him. Rat was nodding along as if he understood Nerd's cat talk.

"Oh I see." Rat said when Izu jumped back onto my head. Everyone looked at him and then Rat.

"Read this." Hobo told the others, passing the computer to the huddled teachers.

"So they were bullied for being gay and Katsuski defended them after another student hurt Izuku?" Bondage asked.

"That's what I was fucking saying!" I shouted as Izu meowed his approval.

"How many students are injured?"

"Twenty students were sent to the hospital and another twenty are in my office with minor injuries." Granny said.

"Young Katsuski, we do not condone violence, however those are rookie numbers." All Might says with a smile and chuckle at his own cheesy joke. Izu must understand it because he seems to be laughing his cute little cat ass off on my head.

"That aside, we have the matter of punishment for Katsuski and the other students to deal with. Given the large number of students involved I suggest a manuale assembly. We will have class 1A and class 1B participate with the presentations, Aizawa and Present Mic will go to class 1B and Midnight to 1A. We will also use this as a training program. The students will decide on the training course. We can go to the USJ for it if we must." Rat says.

"When will this be?" Bondage asked

"In two weeks."

"Of course. Now I have to push my curiculum back." Hobo complains.

"As for punishment. You two and the instigator of the incident will help Cementos fix the wall, by hand." Izu meows sadly from his position on my head.

"You may leave now." With that I grab our stuff and walk Izu into the bathroom to get dressed.


Edit: January 2023

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