Sick Deku

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Fucking hell! This shitty flu bug Izu has is a pain to fucking deal with. Not only am I woken up at fucking 1am by Zuzu puking his guts out but I'm fucking feeling it too. Thank fucking god I'm not puking too.

The brats figured out how to cook eggs and use a toaster so she's taking care of herself when Izu's too sick to or I'm training. I make dinner for us. My omega can't fucking keep anything but fucking salteen crackers and ginger ale down. I never fucking knew what ginger ale was until the nerd begged me to go fucking find some. I don't even remember what fucking time it is but Zuzu's up again. Head over the toilet bowl while I rub his back. His tail weakly wrapped around my leg.

"Izuku, we are taking you to the fucking doctor tomorrow. You've been fucking pucking for fucking weeks!"

"Kacchan, it's only been f-five days."

"That's to fucking long! You're going to the doctor!" He heaves into the toilet again.

"O-okay Kacchan." He says, his voice weak and hands shaking as he grabs some toilet paper to wipe his mouth, and flush the toilet. I help him stand and help him to the sink where he rinses his mouth out and brushes his teeth. Then it's back to bed until the cycle starts over again. Sleep quickly took me.

Edit: January 2023

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