Shit Happens p2/2

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What little I remember of my heat is the intense pleasure of the weeks. The first two days was cuddles until I reverted back to my original form. After that my omega was in control and I was along for the ride. Coming back to myself laying on Kacchan's warm perfectly toned chest with a strong arm slung securely over my back was amazing. I was sore everywhere. My ass, hips and neck more so. Trying to remember more than my omegas pleasure and lust for Kacchan's dominating Alpha wasn't happening.

I tried moving but that made everything hurt more. I was drenched in sweat and cum. The scent of sex induced by heat and rut heavy on the air. I looked over Kacchan's sleeping form beneath me and noticed the long deep gashes along his chest and the hints of the same marks on his back.

Did I do that? I look over him some more and notice that Kacchan has love bites and hickeys all over him, although none on his neck. What little of his thighs I can see from my position have been scratched and marked. When did that happen? I wonder if Kacchan remembers.

"Kacchan?" I call, trying to wake him. My voice hoarse and throat sore. He grumbles something but doesn't wake up.

"Kacchan, what happened?" I try again, still nothing but a grumble.

"Kacchan?" I try again, a little louder this time, his grip on me tightens a little. Good, its progress. I can work with this.

"Kacchan, what happened?" I try asking the question again. This time his eyes slowly opened.

"Kacchan?" I asked gazing into his beautiful ruby red eyes set into his perfectly chisled sun kissed face.

Mine. All mine. I love you Kacchan. Wait!? Mine? Did he? Maybe? I'm too sore to check.

Then I feel it, our mate bond. My body tingling and humming to a new life under the gaze and hold of my Alpha. I have to ask. My butt burns.

"Did we?" I asked, leaving the question unfinished as I felt my face heat up from voicing my curiosity and embarrassment at not remembering my first time. It took him a minute to answer but when he did his voice was amazingly sexy. My omega and I wanted to hear it more.

"Oi! Nerd, can you move?" He asked with his voice still amazingly sexy.

"N-no." I answered with a stutter, remembering my failed attempt to do just that. Before I knew it Kacchan had pulled me closer and stood up. When I heard his feet hit tile I knew we were in the bathroom. God I hate water, I hate being gross more.

"Oi! Did I mark you?" He asks in a sad, almost regretful voice. I reached up with a shaking hand to confirm what I already knew to be true. When the tips of my fingers grazed my scent gland and the fresh mark, pain and pleasure wove into one. I smiled to myself, hiding it just as quickly as it came.

"Y-yeah. You did." I reply. My voice giving way to my joy with the realization that I am officially Kacchan's omega. Kacchan's silence was killing me.

My Alpha doesn't want me. I'm a bad omega. Why does he hate me? What did I do wrong?

I pushed the thoughts aside and asked, "Kacchan?" Filling that one word with all my unsaid feelings and fears.

"I-I'm sorry Izuku." Kacchan stuttered, his voice breaking, as he walked us into the death trap of a shower as he started washing me.

Kacchan stuttered?! He called me by my name?! Why?! Why is he apologizing?! I really am a bad omega. Alphas taking care of me. I'm not that bad if Alpha cares. Right? I pushed my omega back before it had fully taken control again.

His gentle touches and warm hands have me purring and remembering the times we bathed together as kids.

"Kacchan, don't apologize for it. I've been wanting you to finish the mark since we were kids." I tell him, just above a whisper holding back a few purrs to do so.

"But, what about your mate." Kacchan said his voice harsh and full of sadness and something else.

Kacchan, your my mate. My true mate. Why don't you see that? This is Kacchan I'm talking about. He's so hard headed and oblivious that hes probably doesn't remember what we were taught in middle school about finding out true mates.

"Kacchan? Can I mark you?" I ask him, knowing its taboo but also knowing it's the only way my harded mate will realize what I know to be true.

"Why?" He asks a hint of wonder and hesitation in his voice, his eyes show confusion.

"Kat, smell me. Is there any different about me than another omega?" I ask, attempting to get him to understand, the only other way I know an Alpha can. He pauses his hair washing to sniff me. After a few minutes he's silent.

"Well, Kacchan?"

"You smell nice. Really fucking nice." He responds looking slightly more confused. I sigh knowing he'll never understand the scent difference. Kacchan's scent to me has always been intoxicating. Other Alphas have never compared or even come close to his. I wish he could figure it out.

"Katsuski, let me mark you. Please." I beg hoping he gives in so I can sleep. My body feeling drained.

"Fine." He sighs rinsing off my hair. I hugged him with a happy sound and a yawn.

"Zuzu, this may hurt a little." Kacchan suddenly says. Bending me over and inserting a finger into my raw and burning hole. He starts digging around cleaning the dried cum and slit from there. "K-Kacchan. That h- aww h-hurts" I cried, when he hit a particular sore yet pleasurable spot. Tears brimming my eyes.

"I'm sorry Nerd, just a little longer, you're doing great." He tells me. My omega loving the praise. A few minutes later Kat pulled his finger out of my hole. More. My omega wanted to say but I held back.

My Alpha set me on the shower seat facing him as he washed himself. Hot. When he gave me his back to stare at I noticed the ten long claw marks that criss-crossed his body from shoulder to hip. Making a great big X along his toned frame.

Shit! Did I do that? I look down at my pointed nails and notice the slight redness under the nails. Shit! I must have. I'm lost in thought when I heard the shower shut off and Kacchan leave the shower only to come back a moment later and wrap me in a huge fluffy green towel that's so soft and warm I could lose myself in.

Yes please! I hide myself into the fold of the towel as I slowly dry myself off. When we were finally dry he helped me stand, only my legs didn't work right and my knees buckled under me.

Shit! That hurts! Guess walking is off the table for a while. I glance at Kacchan. He's thinking something dirty.

"Kacchan you better not be thinking it." I warn, not sure what I'd do even if he was thinking something dirty.

"Thinking what, Nerd?" He winked. I knew it. I hide myself in his chest until he sets me onto the couch,  my towel having fallen off somewhere. I found the TV remote between the couch cushions and flipped the TV on. Kacchan's shirt lands on my head blocking the screen from view.

Smiling to myself as his intoxicating scent washed over me. I pulled the shirt on and flipped through the channels.

Kat comes back a few minutes later and picks me up, turning the tv off he carries me to the bed. We lay down in the same position we woke up in earlier and I fell asleep listening to Kacchan's steady heartbeat.

Edit: January 2023

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