Doctor visit p1/2

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Training was put on hold today since Kacchan insisted on taking me to the doctor for the flu. I woke up as the sun was rising with the need to vomit. I shot up and ran to the bathroom as a wave of dizziness hit me just as I made it to the toilet. Kacchan came in a little later and started rubbing circles on my back, with one hand as he stroked my ears with the other. His way of comforting me. When this started I thought about what Granny Amelia had said to us. I pushed it out of my mind then, until this happened.

Now I just don't want to think about it. Kacchan is seventeen, I'm sixteen, we're not ready for a kid. We do have Eri and she's amazing, she can also do most things for herself. It took us a while to teach her everything she missed but now she's like any other independent ten year old Alpha female.

She trains with us and eats dinner with us. We have movie night every night, we let Eri pick the movie since she's never watched any. Last night was Frozen 2, I think she chose Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for tonight's movie.

"Papa? How's Mama?" Eri asked Kacchan coming up stairs as I pucked into the toilet one last time.

"I'm okay, baby girl." I smile weakly up at her after I whipped my mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet.

"The Nerd's going to the doctor today."

"I'm coming too!" She demands, leaving us to get ready.

"Guess she's coming." Kacchan chuckled a little, helping me to the sink to get ready for the doctor. An hour later and a very loud conversation with Mandalay, Kacchan managed to talk her into taking the three of us into town and to the doctor.

When we finally got to the doctor's office Mandalay had to sign all of the paperwork as my guardian since I refused to have my mom involved with this appointment. Of course Mandalay refused, but after more yelling from Kacchan she gave in. So Kacchan, Eri and I are sitting in the waiting room while Mandalay hands the finished paperwork to the lady at the check in.

"Kacchan, bathroom." I say as I stand up and run to the bathroom feeling a wave of nausea coming. I barged into the bathroom, ignoring the stares of the others in there, I flung the door to the nearest stall open and vomited what little I ate this morning.

"Awe, the poor little omega is sick." Someone cooed coming closer. His scent making me vomit again.

Hurry. I sent, through the link. As another wavy of nausea hit me, this one followed by dizziness. The man with the horrid scent stalked closer, reaching for me. I weakly scratched his hand. The man flinched and then laughed a horribly evil laugh. "Ooh, feisty little omega." He coos.

Hurry Kacchan. Stranger. I sent him. I could smell Kacchan's spicy cinnamon smell from my place on the ground beside the toilet. I weakly laughed at the man.

"What's so funny little Omega." He demand.

"You have no idea what Alpha you just pissed off. You're dead." I told him with a smile as I leaned over the toilet and dumped the remainder of my stomach contents into the toilet.

When I was done, the door to the bathroom blew off its hinges and Kacchan stormed in, his pheromones instantly making the others in the bathroom cower and submit. Even the boso who tried to get to me. Kacchan searched the bathroom, his eyes landing on my no doubt weak and disgusting appearance and the assbut that's kneeled beside me.

"Omega! What is this?" Kacchan's Alpha demands of me.

"A-Alpha...him.." my omega compiled and pointed at the one closest to us as a dizzy spell washed over me shortly followed by a wavy of nausea, thankfully this one not enough to have me over the toilet again. As Kacchan threw the guy against a wall away from me, I grabbed some toilet paper and whipped my mouth off, before adding the paper to the mess in the toilet, which I then flushed.

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