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Granny Amelia

The boy with the tiger was very interesting. How'd he get those marks. Judging by the hickeys I'd say sex. But where's the omega? The boy didn't act like any normal Alpha. How does he know how to use Alpha commands so young?

E-bear was near submission when I found her and the tiger and the girl. The girl looks nothing like him but yet, he claims she's his daughter. I must get the girl alone. The tiger could pose an issue. It seems to have taken the girl as its pup. This is going to be difficult. I close my eyes concentrating on the sounds coming from inside my home.

"Alpha! May we come in?" I called, to the Alpha in my home. I was able to catch the voice of an unfamiliar male addressing the girl, "Eri, listen closely. Your name is Sarah, we are your parents. He is Dave and I'm Kuki. These people are dangerous. Stay close to us." So they're scared and hiding from something or someone. I can work with this. The girl seemed to be taking note of what the new voice had told her. After a few moments the Alpha, 'Dave' let us in. We exchanged pleasantries. When I had asked about the tiger 'Dave' and the boy 'Kuki' seemed to share a silent conversation.

"Then stop fucking hiding them!" The Alpha shouted out of no where, I saw E-bear flinch out of the corner of my eye.

"Oi! Granny! Say anything about any of us and your fucking dead!" 'Dave' rudely shouted as a sudden pop was heard and the boy, 'Kuki' was falling to the ground fast. He had green ears and a tail. Is this boy the tiger? I pushed the thought out of my head as 'Dave' caught the boy. I glance at their scent glands and notice they both have been claimed. An omega claimed the Alpha? Is this boy an omega? I turn to E-bear. "E, is the cat boy an omega?" I ask my granddaughter.

"Yes, granny. Why?"

"No reason." Interesting. I tuned back into the conversation between the trio.

"Dave, protect our girl or I will have your head when I wake up." 'Kuki' said around a yawn, his tail wrapped around Sarah's small hand.

"Yeah, whatever. Nerd I'll do it." 'Dave' tells the omega as he placed him on the medical bed.

"Oi! Granny! Check him out!" He ordered.

"Young man is that anyway to speak to your elders?" I gave him a look as Sarah whacked him upside the head with her tiny hand yelling "bad papa!" He grumbled an apology as he pulled up a chair beside the sleeping Omega.

"I really should check you all out." I tell the Alpha as I get to work on the sleeping Omega.

"I'm fine. Food for e-Sarah would be fucking good." Dave says, his eyes never leaving Kuki's face. His hold on Sarah only growing more protective as Kuki shifts and whines in his sleep. Are they mates? I pulled off Kuki's shirt and gasped. He was covered in bites, bruises, hickeys and scratches. What did this poor boy go through? I glanced at the Alpha holding his 'daughter' into his chest. He seemed to tense and a look of guilt flashed before his eyes, gone as quickly as it came, being replaced with a lustful look. He stood abruptly, the chair screeching against the floor before falling backwards. Dave walked out of my home with the girl clutched close to him.

"He better fucking be better when we come fucking back. Or I'm blowing this whole fucking town into oblivion!" He shouted stomping off.

"E-bear. Come here and help me with him."

"Yes Granny." And together we work on cleaning the boys many scratches and bites. I checked for broken bones with my quirk while E-bear finished bandaging the boy.

"All done here, granny."

"Good. No broken bones. The boy's lucky."

"Granny? Did you see Dave's claw marks when he came in?"

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