Fixing Izu

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I hadn't realized that my scent affected Izu so much. He's the only omega I've found whose scent is unreasonably mouthwatering. Bad Katsuski! Not now! I can't believe I made him pass out. Shit! I look down at the greenet in my arms and realize that his hand has started swelling and turning purple, his tail has also started to swell. Shit! Not good! I run home faster and barge into the door.

The hag is sitting at the tv with dad when she yells, "No Running in the house brat!" Some of her pheromones leaked out making Izu and dad whimper. I ran upstairs and to my room. I place Izu on his left side only for him to whimper and shift to his back and then whimper some more. He finally settles on his right side with a slight whimper. I run downstairs and grab the first aid kit and a few ice packs. I ran back upstairs with the hag yelling at me again.

I slam and lock my door before I gently remove his shirt and pants. Fuck! He's hot! I bit my bottom lip to keep my Alpha at bay. I let the caring side take over as I look at his wounds from the exam. I knew he shouldn't have tried it! I open the first aid kit and get to work cleaning and bandaging any and all cuts and scrapes on him. The bruising on his sides and back is troubling but I wrap him in a giant ace bandage tight enough for anything cracked to stay in place but loose enough so he can breathe.

Then I turned my attention to his tail. I grabbed one of the bigger thinner ice packs and an ace bandage so I could wrap it up. I wrapped his tail halfway and then placed the ice pack on top of the bandage then wrapped it the rest of the way. When that was done I got to work on his hand. His knuckles were bruised and cut so I cleaned and wrapped that similar to how I did the tail only with the smaller wrap and ice pack. When that was all done I grabbed one of my shirts and slipped it onto Izu. My fingers brushed his ears as I did, making him quietly purr. My heart flutters at the sound, my face heating up. When the shirts on he curls up into his adorable little cat ball. I head downstairs when I hear the old hag walking upstairs. Probably smelling the Nerd's distress.

"Is Izuku here?" She asks with an annoyed smile and a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Yeah. He's sleeping so keep quiet." I growl low and warningly my Alpha protectiveness coming out without my control.

"Alright, Alright. Brat." The hag responded by putting her hands in the air without breaking eye contact.

"K-Kac-chan. Kacchan." I hear a sleepy voice whisper through the crack I left in the door. His sweet Lavender and vanilla scent getting sweeter laced with the subtle scent of arousal. I can feel my heart beat faster and my face starts to heat up. I look at the hag and she's got a dark knowing look on her face as she fights her Alpha.

Of course she wins. Me, not so much. The longer he calls out to me and the more his intoxicating scent fills my nose I feel myself slipping. Before I know it I can't smell anything and the world goes black.

I wake up a few days later in my room that smells heavily like Izu. Looking around I see the smaller boy curled into a ball with his tail wrapped around me and his fists clutching my shirt. My body burns and aches but I'm not sure why. "Morning brat." The hag growls flipping the light on giving me a headache.

"Oi! Turn that off ya old hag!" I call just above a whisper finding my voice almost gone.

"What happened?" I ask no one in particular.

"Oh, I had to sedate you for your rut. Since Izuku went into heat. Don't worry, his mom brought his suppressants. We tried taking him home but the second we stepped out of your room he started whining so we had to leave him on your bed. Eventually he wanted to cuddle. Your dad tried, his mom tried but it didn't work. So eventually we layed your sleeping ass down and he stayed right there for the last two days." The hag responds, giving me a look that promises pain.

"Wait! We've been here for a week!?" I shout momentarily forgetting about the sleeping omega attached to me.

"Actually two weeks. Before you get butt hurt brat. You both made it into the UA hero course. They also let you both miss the first weeks because of this incident. Don't let it happen again! Brat!" The hag whisper shouts, glaring at me before she leaves, in a mostly civil way.

"Kacchan?" I hear a sleepy angelic voice say.

"Yeah Izu?" I smile down at him as he rubs the sleep from his amazing emerald green eyes. I hear the hag scoff from the doorway before she leaves.

"Thank you." He says barring his face into my chest.

"Yeah. Whatever, Nerd." I mumble trying to hide my blush.

"Oi! Nerd! Guess what?"

"What is it, Kacchan?"

"We got into the Hero course at UA!" I yell happily making him shutter.

"Really?! Wait, what day is it?" He bolts up right and attempts to stand only to fall to the floor face first.

"Ow! Shit!" Izu mumbles under his breath as he tries again.

"Idiot, Are you okay?" I ask, smirking slightly.

"Yeah. Just everything hurts. Help me up, Kacchan."

"Give me a sec." I slowly sit up feeling a bit dizzy from the sedative. After a few minutes of sitting up I swing my legs over the bed and reach down to Izu. I pull him up and onto my lap in one swift motion making him yelp and blush in surprise. He's adorable! I smile and nuzzle into his neck trying to get more of his amazing lavender and vanilla scent. When I get closer to his scent gland I nuzzle into it as best as I can. This shitty collar needs to come off. Fucking hell. I try to undo it but I end up getting a shock instead. I growl at the collar. "Stupid fucking collar. Why'd it have to fucking shock me?!" I shout as the Nerd giggles.

"What's so funny ya damn Nerd!?"

"Kacchan, I'm the only one who can take it off." He giggles with an adorable smile on his face.

"Take it off?"

"Kacchan, I can't. Remember what happened last time I wasn't wearing my collar?" At his question I'm thrown back into the memories of an eight year old me.

What is that amazing smell? I follow my nose down the stairs of Zuzu's house and to the couch. Where he's laying making all sorts of strange sounds. Is this amazing smell really him? I step closer to Zuzu and sniff. It really is him.

"Alpha!" Zuzu pants reaching for me. I'm not sure why but I climbed on top of him and started kissing. I found a spot on his neck that the scent was coming from and started to bite down on it. Zuzu kept making those amazing sounds just louder. And then my dad and Zuzu's mom rushed over and pulled us apart. He had blood dripping down the side of his neck. I scratched and bit my dad trying to get back to him and finish what I started even though I didn't know what it was I was doing.

"K-Kac-chan?" Izu's timid voice pulls me out of the memory.

"Yeah, I remember." I mumble grumpily.

"I still have the scar." He giggles touching the side of his neck where the unfinished mark lays.

"Oi! Brats! Time for school!" The hag calls to us. Wait? I thought we were out for the first two weeks. I grab my phone off the nightstand and flip through my apps till I find the calendar. It's Saturday. What's she thinking?

"Oi! Hag! It's the weekend!" I call back down, pulling him back onto my bed as I lay there.

"Not for you two slackers!" She calls stomping up the stairs and throwing open my door.

"What the hell!"

"You two have weekend school for three weeks until you catch up with your class. Starting today!" She shouts tossing brand new UA uniforms at us.

"Get up!" She growls, disgust in her eyes at the sight she found us in.

"Y-yes auntie." He quietly stutters out, his neck cranked submissively as he quickly scrambled away from me. I growl at this.

"Leave." I tell my mother I can feel my Alpha clawing its way to the surface. It takes everything in me to keep it at bay. The hag slowly backs out of the room and closes the door before my Alpha can fully take control.


Edited: June 2021
Edit 2: January 2023

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