Dance with Kukishoku

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"Hi, mom." Kacchan said into the phone when she picked up. After a lot of yeahs and well be safe. He hung up and we walked to the nearest clothing store. At first they wouldn't let me in but after Kat's yelling and arguing with a sales lady and a few demonstrates that I was 'trained'; I was let into the store with Kacchan. I had to wear a leash tho which I hated. Kacchan kept smirking at me.



Just no Kat

He smirked and kept walking through the store. Petting me occasionally to keep my transformation active.

Kacchan? How are we paying for stuff? We stopped walking as he patted his pants searching for his wallet.

Shit! Fuck! I don't know! Fuck! I lost my wallet.

Katsuski, calm down. Just talk to the salesperson and see if they have anything you can borrow. I'll stay in this form until we get home.

Izu! We can't get home! I don't have my fucking train or bus pass! Shit! I sit beside him and think for a little while.

Kacchan, can you still play the guitar?

Why the fuck would I know that!

Ok so you can. I saw a music store with an old guitar sitting on a rack outside with a sign. Let's go check it out. I have an idea.

Kacchan makes that sound of his again and walks out of the store following me to the music store next door. We walked up to the store front and an old beat up and broken guitar sat on a table with a cardboard sign that read in big black letters: If you can make me sing, I am yours.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?" He asked, looking at it and then me.

Make it sing. Play it Kacchan. Grab the case too and follow me. I have an idea.

"Fucking hell!" Kacchan grabs the guitar and its case and followed me to a cement wall like seating structure in the middle of the shopping district.

"Now what?"

Put the case open on the ground. Sit and play the guitar. He grumbles but does what I've suggested.

After an hour of tuning the broken guitar he struck a few cords and the guitar came to life. The song he played was low and soulful. The song pleasant to my sensitive ears. Before I knew it I was bobbing along to the song.

"Kukishoku, dance." Kacchan playfully ordered. His body visibly relaxing, as he strummed along to the song in his head. People were stopping to listen but none got close enough, too scared of me.

I stood up slowly and walked to a kid dancing in an All Might shirt. I licked his face and gently nudged him into the middle of the small circle.
The kid stood still for a few moments until Kacchan picked up the tempo of the song. I danced around the kid. Bobing my giant head from side to side, chasing my tail around the kid.

Letting it swish along with the beat. My happy chuffs soon joined Kacchan's wordless song. The kid laughed and danced along with me. Following my movements.

Kacchan stand up and come here. Keep playing.




He stood up with some reluctance and walked towards us. I crouched low as the song slowed. My ears back and tail flat on the ground slowly swishing. As he sped up the song again I pounced and jumped over him. The crowd gasped. I started my funny dance again adding Kat's steps into the dance as I wove in between his legs.

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