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Kacchan's silent tears soon stop and are replaced with a steady rise and fall of his chest and the sound of snoring. I try to wiggle out of his hold to shut off the movie and go to the bathroom before going to get dinner but I can't get out of his hold. Instead I send a quick message to my mom asking her to bring us some food. A few minutes later she comes in with a tray of sandwiches and apple slices.

"Awe. You too look great together." Mom smiles and sets the tray on the ground next to me.

"Thanks mom." I smile blushing at her.

"I will always love you. No matter what. Gay or straight or anything in between. You will always be my son." She says a smile on her face.

"That's good because I-I'm g-gay." I tell her I feel like a weights been lifted off of my shoulders. Mom comes over and hugs me as best she can with Kacchan holding me.

"Thank you for telling me honey. Now get some sleep. We can talk more in the morning. Don't forget you have school too." She places a kiss on my forehead before she leaves. Shutting my door with a soft click. I eat my sandwich and try to ignore the increasing urge to use the bathroom as I close my eyes and let sleep claim me.

The next morning I woke up to Kacchan sleep crying, loudly and reaching for something. I get up off the floor. Wait?! How'd I get here? I shrug off my position on the floor and climb back into bed with Kacchan.

When his hands find my arms I'm roughly pulled onto his chest and he holds me in a death grip. His sobs died down some and his breathing evened out. His hold on me loosened enough for me to get air back into my lungs but not enough to move. Mom came into my room after a quiet knock and my even quieter response. It took us a good ten minutes to pry me out of his death grip and when we did he started balling again.

I let my tail rest on his face and that seemed to calm him down enough to keep sleeping. Glancing at the clock I see that we have two hours before school starts. I hurriedly go through my bathroom routine replacing my tail with one of my heated blankets after a heavy coating of my scent. This worked for about fifteen minutes, before he tossed the blanket off in his sleep. I rushed over and put my tail on his face again, letting it swish against his nose as I got dressed.

"Achoo!" Kacchan sneezes loudly waking up.

"Izu! Izu! Where are you!" He starts yelling when he sees that I'm not in bed.

"Kacchan, I'm right here." I say gently. Sitting down beside him. He instantly pulls me into a giant bear hug. What happened? He's never been this clingy. Is it bad that I like clingy Kacchan a little more? I push the thoughts out of my mind as I look at Kacchan's face.

His once bright ruby red eyes have gone dim and glassy. He has bags under his eyes and his eyes are rimmed with red from a night of crying. I hug Kacchan back, putting as much love and compassion as possible into the hug.

"I-Izuku...I-Can I stay here for a while?" He asks me his eyes filling with hope and pain, and a few other emotions I can't read.

"Sure Kat. But won't your mom worry?" I ask. At the mention of his mom he starts sobbing again. His body shaking as fat tears fall onto my shirt. I pulled him into a hug again, shoving his face into my neck scent gland once I removed my collar. I let my calming scent hit his nose full force and watch as his breathing evens out and his body slowly stops shaking. The tears falling less.

"I'm sorry Kacchan." I whisper into his ear, still unsure why he's crying.

"Izuku, I'm gay." He says barely above a whisper. My heart flutters at the realization that I might have a chance with him but then it breaks as I come to the one conclusion that I was dreading happening to me. He was kicked out. I hold him closer as my own silent tears join his.

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