Meeting Kukishoku

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I hated not being able to talk during the meeting with the teachers but Kacchan's head was cozy. I almost fell asleep again a few times. Fixing the wall Kacchan destroyed shouldn't be too hard. I get to see Cemento's quirk up close! I'm so excited. When they released us Kacchan walked us into the men's bathroom. I walked into a stall and transformed back into me. "K-Kacchan, clothes please." I shivered from the cold.

"Here." Kacchan puts my uniform and boxers over the stall door. I quickly put my clothes on. My tail refused to go through the tail hole in my pants. Shyly I open the door, "Kacchan, a little help. My-my tail is s-stuck." I stutter.

"Scoot over Nerd." Kacchan walks into the big stall with me and locks the door behind him.

"Show me." I lift up my shirt and show him my tail painfully bent through the hole in my pants.

"How'd that happen Nerd?" Kacchan asks as he gently pulls my tail out of the uncomfortable position. I sigh in relief and spin around to hug Kacchan.

"Thank you Kacchan!" Without much thought my lips find his soft warm ones. He stands there shocked for a bit before he pulls me close and kisses me back, deepening the kiss.

His hand finds its way into my curls and his other finds its way under my shirt and up my lower back. Leaving my body warm and tingly from his touches. I try to hold in my moan but when he gently tugs on my hair I can't help but realise the moan along with a gasp that Kacchan captures with his lips. His lips start leaving a trail of warmth from my lips across my cheek and down my neck.

His tongue finds its way under my collar, he licks my gland; "ahh~ Kacchan~ a-again" I moan out. Kacchan pulls his tongue away and blows on my wet skin making me shutter in pleasure.

"Off." He orders in a husky voice full of lust and love? I reach around to remove my collar but just as I'm about to the main door opens and three sets of footsteps walk in.

"What's that smell?" One of them asks, voice filling with lust.

"Omega in heat or something?" Another questioned answering the first boy.

"Should we use him?" The last one asks a hint of amusement and lust in his voice. A moment of silence passes between the boys before the sound of sniffing and doors forced open is heard. I start shaking. Fear and anxiety cruising through me as the bullies get closer.

Kacchan pulls me close and whispers in my ear, "change my little tiger." He kisses my head before stepping back and turning around. I quickly strip and transformed into my tiger. When I was done I stretched and nudged Kacchan with my head.

When he saw me he smiled and picked up my clothes and bag. He stuffed my clothes into my bag and carried them both out. He opened the door wide letting his Alpha pheromones leak out and engulf me. It's not enough to make me submit, just enough so the bullies believe I am an Alpha's trained pet.

I hold my head up high and lick Kacchan's hand every couple of minutes until he puts his hand on my head. "Sit." He orders, I suppress an eye roll as I obey.

He washed his hands and turned to me, "come." I trotted up to him nudging his hand with my head. The boys that were searching for my scent stopped looking to stare at Kacchan and I.

"Where'd the omega go?" Boy number one asked.

"Not here fuck tards. Just us, dillweeds." Kacchan answered, stroking my head.

"Where'd that thing come from?" Dickhead number two asked.

"With me, Creampuff." Kacchan huffs.

"Why does it smell like an omega?" Assbutt number three stupidly asked.

"It's not, must have been the guy before us, Turdnugget." Kacchan responded, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Well fuck, who are we going to use now?" The leader of the group asked no one, his face twisted into one of animalistic lust. I tried my best to keep from letting the disgusted shiver run along my spin.

"If I see or hear you wastes of space threaten an omega again I will personally blow your fucking heads off and feed them to Kukishoku. Kacchan evilly strokes my head making me purr.

The assbutts start snickering at my reaction to Kacchan. "Kukishoku, speak." Kacchan ordered.

Stretching with a yawn I padded into the middle of the bathroom and roar, long, low and loud. I watch satisfied as the assbutts pale and attempt to hide from me in the corner. I hear Kacchan's explosions going off somewhere behind me. Kacchan's explosions stop a few minutes later and his warm hand finds my spine. He slowly walks forward letting his warm hand trail along my spine.

"Kukishoku, sit." I stop roaring when Kacchan's hand finds my head and ears. He starts absentmindedly rubbing an ear between his thumb and index fingers. I purr and lean into his warm touch.

"Are we going to have a problem, dickfucks?" Kacchan asks with a death glare and a few explosions from his unoccupied hand.

"N-no p-problem." They stutter.

"Good. Now get the fuck out!" Kacchan yells. The three stood up and ran out of the bathroom pants wet and smelling of piss. When the door swung shut behind them Kacchan shoved me into a stall and set my clothes on the door again.

"Why did you name me Green?" I ask Kacchan as I get dressed once in side the stall.

"It's not green Nerd! It's Emerald." Kacchan responded, his voice breaking slightly.

"Why Emerald?" I ask putting my pants on. My tail decided to corporate this time and I was able to get them on without much issue.

Kacchan mumbled a reply but I didn't hear it. "What was that Kacchan?" I asked, opening the door and walking out.

"Your fucking eyes, shitty nerd!" Kacchan shouted, his face turning red. I look at him through the door confused.

"I named you Kukishoku because it also means Emerald. Like your eyes. They make me think of emeralds." Kacchan mumbled quietly, his face turning a bright shade of red. Is Kacchan blushing?! Why is he blushing? Does he like me?! I mean we did kiss but that could mean anything. Wait, I kissed Kacchan! Why did I do that?! I kissed Kacchan and he kissed me back! Does that mean Kacchan likes me?! Does Kacchan know I'm gay?! I mean I told mom when he was sleeping but I don't think he heard me. Oh my god I kissed Kacchan!

"Oi! Nerd your mumbling again." Kacchan points out. Now it's my turn to turn red.

"I-I'm sorry Kacchan." I stutter out grabbing my bag from beside Kacchan.

"Let's go home." I suggest leaving the bathroom and heading to the shoe locker.

"Oi! Izu! Slow down!" Kacchan shouts followed by his footsteps as he runs to catch up.

"Catch me if you can!" I yell back laughing.

A few minutes later I hear Kacchan's footsteps closing in. I ran to a corner and hid behind a lunchroom sized trash can. I was waiting for Kacchan to show up when I was yanked by the tail towards someone. Hissing I clawed at the tail puller.

"Shit! Fucking really! Again Izu!" Kacchan shouted, holding his now bleeding hand having blocked the strike to the face.

"Yes really! When will you learn that pulling my tail gets you scratched?" I shout back holding my tail against my chest.

"I don't fucking know!" He shouts blushing. Sighing I lead Kacchan to my locker and fish out some bandages and antibacterial wipes.

"Sit." I point to a bench.

"Fine." Kacchan pouts sitting. I take his hand in mine and get to work cleaning the scratches.

"Fuck! That hurts!" Kacchan yells, pulling his hand away.

"Kacchan, hand."


"Kacchan." I give him the look and he gives in.

"Fucking fine." He gives me his hand and I finish cleaning the small but deep scratches. Then I take a big square bandage and situate it so that the adhesive isn't on his wounds.

"There. Let's go now. It's late and mom's probably worried sick." I tell Kacchan. Getting up and putting my red shoes on. I wait a little while for Kacchan to get his shoes on before we leave.

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