Scent testing part 2

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I'm running through the forest leaping from one tree branch to the other until I'm falling. I land on solid ground but it's not completely solid. Looking around the place I've landed is pitch black. "I'm coming for you little kitty." A voice from the darkness sings out to me. Something touches me, I run. Running as fast and as far as my legs will carry me. But then I'm in the park with Kacchan. We're playing on the jungle gym, Kacchan is below me yelling at me to get down before I get hurt. I laugh and climb back down. Kacchan pulls me into a big hug and then leads me to the big metal slide. Kacchan goes up first and then me. I waited for Kacchan to slide down but he didn't, instead he grabbed me and put me between his legs and we slide down together. It's so much fun. "I'm coming for you kitty." The voice says again. I'm falling again endlessly falling.

I bolt awake sweat drenching my skin, my body aches. My fingers are covered in a warm sticky iron smelling liquid. Looking at my fingers I see that the liquid is red. I bring a finger up to my nose and sniff. It's blood. Kacchan's blood. Where is he?

"Kacchan!" I look around the room, he's not here. I get up and walk to the bathroom. "Kacchan!" I call again not seeing him.

"Oi! Izu! I'm right here!" His voice answers me from behind. I jump and shake a little before he engulfs me in a tight hug.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Kacchan." I repeat over and over again.

"Oi! Why are you sorry?" Kacchan pulls away and looks at me confused. That's when I saw his bandaged chest. Sniffing his chest I find out that there's fresh blood underneath those bandages.

"Th-that." I sniffled out pointing to his chest with a bloodied finger.

"Oh this? It's nothing. I'm okay Nerd." Kacchan smiles at me and kisses my forehead. My face heats up, I look away, only now realizing that my tail has curled around one of Kacchan's muscled arms and is lightly squeezing his bicep. I turn a darker shade of red when Kacchan smirks and says in a voice that's almost a growl, "like what you feel, kitten?" His eyes half closed and slowly filling with desire and lust. I shudder at the nickname and the feeling of his hot breath blowing against my sensitive ears.

"Boys! Time for school!" Mom calls from downstairs, breaking us out of our moment. Kacchan growls low when I pull away and push past him to grab my spare uniform and boxers, since I slept in yesterday's uniform.

Walking into the bathroom I close and lock the door, before I take a shower and do the rest of my morning routine. A few minutes later I'm out of the shower and ready for school. I walk out of the bathroom and to Kachann's drawer of basketball shorts. I grab one of his smaller black and red pairs and a pair of my extra boxers and shove those into a bag, knowing I'm gonna need them for after Midnight's lesson.

"Oi! Nerd why ya steal my pants?" Kacchan questions with a smirk.

"'s lessons are intense and I don't want to wear mine." I mumble out just above a whisper.

"Ok Nerd." Kacchan says coming up behind me to pet my ears. I bite my bottom lip to suppress the moan that's threatening to come out. He doesn't stop petting them. Instead of a moan I start purring. "K-Kac-chan...s-school" I breathed out. He abruptly stops petting me, I whine at the loss of touch. Kacchan blows on me ears with a huff and I shiver and gasp. I hear his satisfied "tch" from here.

"Let's go Izu." He says with a smirk. After breakfast we head to school. The day goes on like it did yesterday, until we're finally caught up. Mr. Aizawa told us that we didn't have to come back for the rest of our weekend classes if we passed the Alpha and Omega scent resistance tests. Midnight already told me that I passed. I wonder if Kacchan passed. I walked into the classroom after my class with Midnight, to get Kacchan so we can go home. But he's not here. I sit at my desk and wait for him.


I'm sitting in All Might's office smelling the fake ass omega scents when one that smells similar to Izu's heat comes up. I can feel my rut coming with the scent. My vision blurs and all I see is Izuku's breathtaking green eyes and his slender build. Those adorable cat ears and tail. Oh how I'd love to tease him some more. Then the scent stops. I growl wanting, no, needing the scent back.

"Young Katsuski, are you all right?" I vaguely hear All Might ask. I'm still trying to smell the small green haired kitten. When I can't I growl.

"Young Katsuski, fight your Alpha. Whatever you were smelling wasn't real." All Might's voice enters my ears again. He's right. Izu's not here! That wasn't the Nerds scent! I take a few deep breaths and open my eyes. "Again!" I growl in my normal voice. All Might nods his head and turns the machine on. Right to the fake Izu one. After a few minutes of fighting myself and the reminder that it's not him the scent changes to one I'm easily able to overcome.

This goes on for a few more rounds until All Might declares that I've passed. "Before you go. What was it that you smelled, young one?" He asks with curiosity in his eyes.

"None of your business old man!" I shout and stomp out of the room, ignoring my raging hard on. Going to the classroom I find Izu wearing my pants while he draws in his sketchbook. I watch his tail happily swaying behind him. I chuckle, making one of his ears twitch at the sound. Cute.

"Oh Kacchan! How was training?" He asks not looking up from his sketchbook.

"It was fine." I mumble back.

"Let's head home Kacchan!" Izu cheerfully responds, putting all his stuff back into his bag.

"Yeah, whatever Nerd." I huff walking to my desk and shoving all my stuff into the bag. The walk to Izu's house was quiet and uneventful. It took everything in me to keep myself from pulling him into an alleyway and making him mine. What am I thinking?! It's just Izuku! I don't like him? Do I?

"I'll see you tomorrow Kacchan." Nerd's small voice pulls me out of my thoughts. That's when I realized we were at his house. I pull him into a hug and breathe in all of his scent that I can before I pull away and head home putting on my emotio mask as I walk.

"Bye Nerd!" I yell running home to finally fix my now painfully throbbing cock. Throwing the door open only to slam it closed and hurriedly remove my shoes earns me an hour long lecture from the old hag. Making my already painful hard on even more painful.

When I'm finally able to go I run upstairs and to the bathroom. I turn the shower on hot and hop in. I wet my hair and body and then I dump conditioner into my hand, coating myself in it. I gasp from the contact. Wrapping my hand around my cock I close my eyes and roughly stroke myself. Imagining Izuku beneath me. His small pants and mewls give way to moans and gasps as I nibble and suck my way along his perfectly toned abs and plump lips. I imagine myself plowing into his perfectly plump round ass as he moans my name in that amazing breathy voice of his.

"Faster Katsuski." The omega would tell me and I would comply. Thrusting into him faster, harder, deeper until finally I release my large hot load into his plump round ass. Opening my eyes when the water runs lukewarm and my breathing evens out I see that I have coated the shower wall in my juices. Sighing I rinse myself off and proceed to clean off the wall. Fuck! I'm gay. What will my parents and Izuku think? I'll figure that out later. I hurriedly finish my shower before I hop out and wrap myself in a towel. I leave the bathroom and head back to my room.


Edit: January 2023

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