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-one month later-

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick," I said, rolling over in bed.
"Are you okay?" Blake asked sleepily.
I didn't answer as I practically crawled to the bathroom. I emptied the contents of my stomach, wiping the sweat from my brow. "Do you feel sick, too?" I asked Blake, walking out of the bathroom.
He sat up, shaking his head. "Do you think it was something you ate?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, but I feel better now. Is that weird?"
Blake shrugged, getting up from the bed and pulling on a pair of shorts off of the floor. "Let's go downstairs and get you some food. Maybe that will help."

We went downstairs, and Cynthia and Quinton were sitting on stools at the island. "Hey, guys. What are you doing today?" Quinton asked.
Blake went straight to the fridge, pulling out the carton of eggs. "We're probably just gonna lay low today. Tiffany wasn't feeling well this morning."
Quinton and Cynthia both nodded. "Give us a call if you change your mind," Cynthia said as they left the kitchen.

Blake started making scrambled eggs, and I watched him as he made me breakfast. "It's cute when you do things for me," I said, crossing the kitchen to sit on the counter next to him.
He kissed me on my forehead. "How are you feeling, baby?"
"I'm okay," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I don't know what's going on. That was the weirdest thing."
Blake let go of me, putting bread into the toaster and bacon into another pan. "Breakfast is almost ready, mamas. You want to grab the orange juice for me?"
I hopped off the counter, pattering over to the fridge. As I grabbed the orange juice off of the top shelf, I felt arms wrap around me, picking me up.
I squealed. "What are you doing?"
"I just love you, baby."

I sat down at the table, and Blake sat a plate down in front of me. I took small bites, chewing slowly. "You still feeling okay?" Blake asked, picking up a piece of bacon.
"Yeah, I think I'm fine. This tastes great, baby."
Addison walked into the kitchen. "Mmm, that smells good."
"There's more if you want some," Blake said, motioning to the stove.
She shook her head. "I'm gonna pass. Thanks though. How are you guys?"
"I threw up earlier, but I'm feeling okay now."
Addison looked at me strangely. "You threw up?"
I shook my head. "Yeah, is that weird?"
"I don't know. Maybe you should go see a doctor," she said, shrugging.

I finished my breakfast quickly. "I think that I'm gonna take Addison's advice and see a doctor. I'm gonna take a shower, okay?" I said, kissing Blake's cheek.
I headed upstairs, and Addison met me in the hallway. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, shoot."
"When was your last period?"
"Um, that's a mildly personal question. I don't know, like a month ago. Why?"
Addison smiled knowingly. "Don't hate me, but you might be pregnant. I definitely think that you should see a doctor."
With her words spiraling through my mind, I stepped into Blake's room, grabbing a towel to go shower. The water cascaded down my back, and I washed my hair quickly, wanting, no needing, answers.

Blake was on the bed when I got out of the shower. "Hey. Good luck with the doctor. I hope he figures out what's going on."
I kissed him, deepening it slowly. "I love you no matter what, Blake. Do you feel the same?"
"I do. Are you sure that you're okay?" Blake asked, clearly confused.
I nodded and left the room, heading downstairs.

As I got in the car, a million thoughts were running through my head. I could be pregnant, but I couldn't possibly be pregnant, right? I pulled into Urgent Care and sighed. It was now or never, I guess.
"Hi, my name is Tiffany Wilde. I threw up this morning, and a friend suggested that I come in to see what's wrong."
"Okay, honey. Can I get a date of birth to make sure that I have the right Tiffany?"
"Absolutely," I responded. "It's seven, twenty-two, two thousand one."
"Alright. Have a seat, and we'll be right with you."

I sat down in the waiting room, a million possibilities running through my head. I was hoping and praying that I wasn't pregnant. My parents acknowledged that I was an adult, and they were okay with me practically living with Blake, but would they be supportive of a baby? Would Blake stick around for a baby? Did I have the capabilities of raising a baby?
"Tiffany?" a voice brought me back to reality.
I followed the nurse back to the exam room. My hands were shaking as I sat on the table. "You doing okay, honey?"
"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous."
She checked my vitals, and then we got down to business. "Okay, so what brings you in today?"
"I woke up this morning, and I was feeling a little nauseous. I threw up, and I felt better afterward."
"Okay, sweetie. Is there a possibility that you could be pregnant?"
Tears filled my eyes, and my voice caught in my throat. "Y-yes."
The nurse put a hand on my shoulder. "We're gonna find out for sure for you, okay, honey?" She left the room and came back with a cup. "Okay, we're just going to need a urine sample. This should be over fairly quickly, okay?"

She led me to a bathroom, and I came out fairly quickly. "Let's get you back to the room. I'm gonna test this for you, and you'll have the results in just a few minutes."
I sat back down on the table, and I picked at my cuticles restlessly. I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life. The nurse came back in, and the look on her face wasn't promising.
"Honey, I don't know if this is going to be good news for you or not, but the test came back positive. Would you like to do an ultrasound? It can help us determine how far along that you are."

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now