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"Okay, so what if I'm scared? Is it wrong of me to be scared?" I asked, agitated.
"Tiffany, calm down. I didn't say that it was wrong of you. I'm analyzing your feelings. They're very real feelings, and they're valid. You don't need to get defensive," Addison replied, sitting up and swinging her legs around the side of the chair so that she was facing me.
I closed my eyes to keep the tears from erupting. "I'm sorry. I just- God, I don't know."
"Shh, shh. It's okay. Don't cry," Addison said, wrapping her arms around me. 

Somewhere in the midst of our conversation, my breakdown drew Blake and Bryce's attention. "Is everything okay up here?" Blake asked. 
"I'm just dramatic," I replied, wiping tears from my eyes. "I'll be okay."
Bryce stood up. "Is anyone else hungry? I feel like I haven't eaten in days."
"Bryce, I made you pancakes three hours ago."
"I'm sorry! I'm hungry again! Can we go out for lunch?" he asked, practically begging. 
Addison and I looked at each other. "Fine, let's go get changed," Addison sighed.

Blake chased me up the stairs. "What are you gonna wear?" he asked. 
I was rifling through the drawer that he had cleared out for me. "Hmm, I think I'll go for the last pair of jeans in the drawer, and maybe, just maybe, I'll take one of your hoodies."
"No, ma'am. If you take my hoodie, I'll never get it back," Blake said defensively. 
I reached past him, picking up the hoodie off the top of the dresser. "This isn't up for discussion," I said, pulling it over my head. 
Blake picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and running down the stairs. "Bryce! Addison! We're ready! Let's go!"

Addison and Bryce looked over the back of the couch at us. "We've been waiting for you."
I looked at Blake and burst into laughter. How did we take so much longer than them?
"I'm driving!" Bryce yelled, and I groaned internally. Bryce's driving was less than great, and I hated riding in a car with him. 
As we pulled out of the driveway, Blake laced his fingers in mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder, basking in how safe he made me feel. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, sitting up. 
"The taco truck. We all know how much you love it," Bryce replied, stopping at the red light. 
"The taco truck? You guys really love me, don't you? How do you not get tired of always going there?" I asked. 
"Well," Bryce began, "it helps that their tacos are delicious."
"He's kidding. You know that we all love you," Addison said, hitting him playfully. 

We pulled up to the taco truck, and I did a little happy dance in my seat. "Lunch is on me," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt faster than Bryce could put the car in park. 
"Slow down, babe!" Blake called out behind me. 
"What do you guys want?" I asked, turning around to look at them. 
They looked at me like I was crazy. "Why are you so excited?" 
"Tacos, people! Come on now!" I made my way up to the window. "Hey, guys. Can I get two chicken and two steak taco plates?" The vendor nodded, giving me my total. As I started to hand my card to him, Blake pushed my hand out of the way, giving him his own card instead. "Damn it, Blake. Can't you let me do just one thing?"
Bryce and Addison laughed at us as we bickered. When our food was ready, we took it to a picnic table around the corner from the taco truck. 

"So, are you guys taking your relationship public soon, or are you just going to keep telling people that you're a couple of besties?" Bryce asked, picking up one of his tacos. 
"Um, I don't know. Having people speculate is kind of fun, don't you think?" I said, looking over at Blake. 
He shrugged. "I wouldn't mind just being honest with people." I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying something that I would regret. Sensing the tension, Addison changed the subject.
"When does your merch drop, Tiffany?"
I gave her a look that expressed my gratitude before speaking. "It drops next week. Do you guys want to be a part of the shoot? I haven't dropped merch since we last dropped the Bliffany line, so it could be fun."
Addison and Bryce both agreed quickly, but for some reason, Blake was skeptical. "I don't know. Should I really be in the merch shoot? We don't want people to speculate too much. Can't let anyone know that you and I are together."
"That's a little bit dramatic, Blake." I began before he interrupted me.
"I don't think that's dramatic. How much more do I have to do to prove that I'm really all about you, and I'm not gonna hurt you this time?"
I sighed. "We're not having this conversation here, Blake."
"Why not? You heard them tell you that the walls are thin. They'll hear us anyway," he protested. 
"I'm not worried about Addison and Bryce hearing us argue. I'm worried about paparazzi hearing and spinning it for their own agenda. Now, if you're done, I think it's best if we go now."

Bryce and Addison were avoiding eye contact as I turned to look at them. "Tiff is right. Let's go," Bryce said, standing up. As we got in the car, Blake was ready to continue.
"I cut off every girl that I was friends with for you. I haven't talked to Amelie in months. I jump when you say jump, I run when you say run. I don't know what else you want."
"First of all," I began, "I didn't ask you to do any of that, so you can't blame me for that. Second of all, I'm sorry that being with me is such a chore, Blake. If it's easy to be with someone, it's easy to leave them. Didn't we learn that last time?"
Blake looked at me as though I had just slapped him.

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now