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I didn't think as I threw the shot back. "I would go, but I don't know any of you well enough to."
Bryce hadn't me another shot. "You should probably just drink."
Was the pain that Tucker's name brought on visible on my face? I took the shot from his hand, looking back and forth between it and the concerned look on Bryce's face. Without another word, I threw it back. The game was forgotten as we all continued throwing back shots. This wasn't my speed, but something about how safe I felt with these people made me let my guard down.
Someone had turned on Jaden's album, and Bryce was coming back from the kitchen with a case of White Claws in his hands. I grabbed one, shotgunning it, much to Blake's surprise. "Are you sure that this is something you want to do?" he whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I nodded. "A little alcohol never hurt anybody, right?"

Blake looked skeptical, but this early in whatever we were doing, he wasn't going to push the issue. I didn't let up, downing drink after drink like it was water. Addison tapped me on the shoulder. "Do you maybe want to slow down a little? We could drink some water."
I shook my head. "No, I'm okay," I slurred.
"How much have you had?" she asked.
I shrugged. "T-two shots of Tito's. Three White Claws, maybe. Two BudLights. Bryce made me a vodka Ani. I think that's it. I don't really know."
Addison led me into the kitchen, where Nessa was already sitting. "Hey, Tiff. You good?"
I nodded. "I just need another drink." I tripped walking towards her.
"Um," Nessa began, "why don't you take this shot?" She handed me a shot glass, and I downed it quickly.
"This is water," I whined.
Addison chuckled. "Can I get you to drink an entire bottle?"
I groaned. "Fine."

Their attempt to sober me up was laughable, so I drank the water to humor them. When I looked at my phone, I had twelve missed calls from my mom. "I should probably go home."
Nessa looked at me, worried. "You can't drive like this."
"Blake drove me here. I don't live far, so I can just walk," I replied, standing up and making my way back out to the living room. I found Blake sitting on the couch, and I leaned over, kissing his cheek. "I'm leaving, Blakey. Call me."
In my inebriated state, I wasn't exactly in a good place to make decisions, but I walked out of the house anyway.

I hadn't considered the fact that Saddle Ranch was between our two houses, so I was silently kicking myself as Fletcher spotted me. My whole social media persona was wholesome, unproblematic, family-friendly, and I was about to be interviewed drunk out of my mind.
"Hey, Tiffany! How are you tonight?" Fletcher called out to me.
I took a deep breath, hoping that I could hold it together for just a few moments. "Hey, Fletcher. I'm doing well. How are you?"
"I'm alright, Tiffany. Are you coming from the Sway house?"
Shit. "I am. We were hanging out tonight."
"I just drove by a little bit ago, and it sounded like a party over there. Was it?" he replied.
I shook my head. "It was just the boys, all hanging out, with some music playing."
"Okay, I see. Can we ask you about Tucker?" I nodded, even though I knew it probably wasn't a good idea. "He spoke out about you and Blake getting together. What do you think about that?"

That was all it took. I burst into tears. "I need to go, Fletcher," I mumbled through my tears. I walked through the throngs of people quickly, trying to avoid anyone else stopping me. I got into my driveway, and I sat on the front porch, trying to get myself together before I went inside. Fletcher was one hundred percent going to post that interview, and I would likely be getting a phone call from Sean in the morning.
"What are you doing out here?" my mom asked, opening the door. I looked at her, and seeing my tearstained face, she sat down next to me. "You reek of alcohol. Were you drinking?" I looked down at my hands, and she had her answer. "How did you get home?"
"I walked."
"You walked? Why did you walk? You could have called me," she responded.
"I didn't want to disappoint you," I responded, tears filling my eyes.
She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "You could never, ever disappoint me. Did something happen to make you cry?"
I nodded. "I was walking, and everything was fine, but then I saw the Hollywood Fix guy, and he stopped me. He asked me about Tucker, and I lost it."
There were no words as she enveloped me in a hug. "Shh. Everything is gonna be fine. Don't cry."

She led me inside and up the stairs, handing me some pajamas. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna grab you some water and Advil. Change into these."
She left the room, and I changed out of my clothes. I crawled underneath the blankets, waiting for her to come back. When she walked back in the room, I sat up. "Mama?"
"Yes, sweetie?" she said, setting the water and Advil on the nightstand, sitting down on the bed next to me.
I hugged her tightly. "Thank you. I appreciate you more than you could ever know."
"It's my job as your parent. You're an adult, and you're going to make your own choices. I'm supposed to help you through the consequences of them. It's not my job to judge you," she said, hugging me back. "Get some sleep. I have a feeling that Sean will be waking you up pretty early to talk about what happened with Hollywood Fix. Hopefully, you guys can get ahead of it, and they're shouldn't be too much of a mess to clean up."

I lay in the dark, contemplating everything that had happened. My mom wasn't mad, but Sean definitely would be.

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now