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"That's not fair, Tiffany."
"Really?" I asked. "Why not? Why is that not fair? I told you everything that I went through with Tucker, and you turned around and did the same thing less than a week later. I don't understand what part of that doesn't seem fair to you. You broke me, and we just pretended that everything was fine for the fans. Do you have any idea how emotionally draining that is?"
"You think that it didn't bother me, too?" he shouted.
I sighed. "Don't raise your voice at me. If it bothered you that much, why did you continue to push it when Sean said that we could stop?"
"I thought that I could get you back if we kept going," he sighed. "I never meant to hurt you. That was never my intention."
Tears filled my eyes. "You did a pretty good job for that never being your intention, Blake," I mumbled through my tears.

Bryce and Addison shared a look, and I caught Bryce's glance in the rearview mirror. "I'm sorry," I mouthed. He shook his head.
"I'm trying to make this up to you, Tiffany. I really am. Tell me how I can fix this, how I can fix us," Blake said, his voice catching in his throat.
"I don't know, Blake. I'm gaining my trust back, but I don't know how long it will be until I can fully trust you again. I don't want to go public with our relationship before that. I think that the least you owe me is that."
Blake scooted closer to me in the backseat, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry. I never thought of it like that. I promise that you can take all the time that you need. I love you, Tiffany."
"I love you, too, Blake," I murmured, burying my face in his neck.

We pulled into the driveway, and Addison and Bryce wordlessly got out of the car, leaving Blake and me sitting there in silence. We sat there for what felt like an eternity before I pulled out of his embrace.
"Yes, mamas?"
"I'm sorry."
Blake looked confused. "What are you sorry for?"
"I shouldn't keep holding a grudge over the whole fake dating thing. I could have stopped it. I should've stopped it. It wasn't fair to you or Griffin that I didn't."
"Don't beat yourself up over it. I get it," Blake replied, opening the car door. "Let's go inside."

"Oh, thank God!" Jaden yelled as we walked into the house. "I thought that you two were out there killing each other. I can't lose my best friend."
I laughed, wrapping Jaden in a hug. "You can't get rid of me, remember?"
Blake protested. "You think I would kill her? I'm disappointed."
Jaden pulled himself out of the hug, looking at Blake. "Bryce and Addison said that you guys were in a pretty heated argument. Why do you think that they came into the house so quickly?"
I crossed the room, grabbing Blake's hand. "Let's go upstairs."
Blake shook his head. "I have to go do something. I'll be back soon."

I was confused, but I didn't question it. I needed to trust him again, and that needed to start with not questioning his every move. I went upstairs and laid in his bed, scrolling through Netflix before deciding to turn on Criminal Minds.
Addison and Dixie knocked on the door, opening it slowly before coming in and plopping down on the bed. "Um, girls' night out!" Addison yelled, turning off the television.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because we need to go out and have some fun," Dixie said. "Let's get ready!"
"Fine," I said, getting out of the bed, "but I'm not gonna pretend to be happy about it."
Dixie and Addison shared a knowing glance before sitting me down in front of the mirror.

"What should we do with her hair?" Addison asked, pulling it down from the bun that I had put it in earlier that morning.
"Ooh, I don't know. How should we do her makeup?" Dixie asked, standing in front of me.
"Shouldn't you guys be doing your own hair and makeup?" I asked, turning around to look at them.
They shared another look before looking back at me. "We want this girls' night to make you feel better. I know that things have been rough for you lately. We're making this all about you," Addison said, turning me back around to face the mirror.

I watched as Addison brushed through my hair, curling each section carefully. As Dixie moved onto my eyes, I had to stop watching Addison work her magic.
"Alright, outfits. Which drawer is yours?" Addison asked, moving over to the dresser.
I laughed. "Don't bother. I took the last outfit out of it this morning."
Dixie laughed, pulling me up from the chair. "Let's go to Noah's room. I've got plenty in there."

We walked into Noah's room, and we walked over to the closet, where Dixie began quickly pulling clothes off of the hangers. "Addison, what look do you think that we should go for?"
Addison joined her in the closet, rifling through the clothing. "These are so cute!" she exclaimed, pulling a pair of dark wash distressed jeans off of a hanger and throwing them to me. "What top?" she muttered, mostly to herself, as she continued to rummage.
"Ooh, wait. I have the perfect thing," Dixie said, crossing the room and opening a dresser drawer. She pulled out a lacy burgundy crop top, holding it out to me. "This will look great on you. It matches your skin tone so well, plus it will go perfect with those jeans."
I held it up, seeing a tag still on it. "This still has the tags on it, Dix. I can't wear this."
Dixie shook her head. "You have to. It's not up for discussion. Put it on. Now."


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I put the outfit on, looking at myself in the mirror

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I put the outfit on, looking at myself in the mirror. "I look good. Were you guys planning on getting ready any time soon?"
They both motioned to Noah's bedroom door. I turned to see Blake standing there. "Wow, you look great. Are you ready to go?"

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now