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My dad avoided any more response, picking at the salad that my mom had prepared. "So, Blake, you're an influencer as well, right?" my mom asked, swirling her spaghetti onto her fork.
Blake nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I am. I started social media several years ago when I was fourteen. I now live in one of the most well-known content houses in LA with some other influencers."
"I remember you doing the whole social media thing back when we lived in Texas. Tiffany started just a little bit after you did. When her dad got a job offer here, her platform grew," my mom replied thoughtfully. 
"I remembered Tiffany from grade school, so I've been following her content for a little while. Our friendship was actually rekindled by our manager. Our followers have become less engaged, and he thinks that our content collaboration could send our numbers back up."

"Wait, you've known this kid since elementary school?" my dad interjected. 
I nodded. "He was in my class, Dad. We were friends up until fourth grade."
My dad shrugged. "I don't remember what I had for breakfast, and I'm supposed to remember the kids you were friends with ten years ago?"
My mom and Blake laughed. "That's okay, Dad. I wasn't exactly his biggest fan after that."

We all continued to talk as we ate. "Hey, there's that new movie that's coming out. You two should go see it," my mom suggested. 
Blake and I shared a look, and he nodded. "Why not? Could be fun."
I stood up from the table. "Let me go grab my purse."

We got into Blake's car, and he broke the silence first. "Your parents are both so nice, but your dad makes me so nervous."
"I think that he's just got his guard up," I said, shrugging. "He never questioned Tucker, and we both know how that ended up. I was really hurt for weeks, and he's probably just covering his tracks so that he doesn't have to see me like that again."
Blake took my hand in his, kissing it softly as he drove. "I want you to know that no matter what happens, I would never do something like that to you. You have to be a garbage kind of human being to want to hurt someone that badly."
This is exactly what I meant when I had said that he made me feel safe. "I'm really afraid of getting hurt, Blake. I just don't want to ruin whatever we have going on here with my own anxieties."
"Hey, it's okay to be worried. Any time that you need to be reassured, just give me the signal, and I'll do it. We can take this as slow or as fast as you like."
"Why have I wasted all this time hating you? You're like a godsend," I replied, laughing. 
Blake chuckled as we pulled into the parking lot of the theater. 

The girl at the box office recognized us. "Tiffany Wilde and Blake Gray? I just watched both of your videos before I came into work tonight."
I chuckled. "What did you think?" 
"I always watch your videos, Tiffany, so I loved yours, and when I saw you in the thumbnail of Blake's video, I knew that I had to watch it." Blake and I laughed, letting her take a few photos with us. When Blake pulled out his wallet to pay for the tickets, she stopped him. "Don't worry about it. It's taken care of."

Blake and I thanked her profusely before heading to the concession stand. "Hey, can I get the large popcorn and two drinks combo?" Blake asked. The employee nodded, giving him our total and handing him our two cups. "Butter on your popcorn?" Blake asked me. 
"Absolutely, but not a lot," I replied. 
Blake nodded. "I can already tell that this is going to work out just fine."
"What do you mean?" I asked, filling my cup with Dr. Pepper, the only soda I would drink.
"We're a perfect match. Not a lot of butter on the popcorn. Dr. Pepper to drink."
I smiled at him. "I guess you're right." 

We headed to the theater, settling into our seats. He took his hand in mine, and I was already having a good time, and the movie hadn't even started yet.
Before the lights went down, I pulled my phone out, snapping a quick photo of Blake and posting it to my Instagram story. I cuddled close to him as the previews began. 
Whatever movie that my mother had just sent us to was a horror movie, and it was terrifying. I found myself hiding my face in Blake's chiseled shoulder more than I watched the actual movie. 
As the movie ended, we picked up our trash, and Blake turned in his seat to look at me. "Movie was that scary, huh?"
I chuckled softly. "Yes. I'm glad that you were here to protect me."

When we pulled into my driveway, Blake pulled the key out of the ignition, walking me up to the front door. We stood on the front porch, looking at each other. "I had a lot of fun tonight," Blake said, taking my hands in his. 
"I think that we have more fun when we aren't putting on a show for all of the cameras," I replied, pulling him into a hug. 
"I'm not ready to leave you yet," he said, kissing the top of my head.
"Then don't," I whispered.
"Don't leave. Stay here tonight. Hold me while I sleep."
He pulled away, still holding on to me. "Are you sure? What about your parents?"
I shrugged. "I'm nineteen. They can't treat me like a little kid forever."

Blake followed me inside the house and up the stairs. He looked nervous as I changed into shorts and a tank top. "Calm down, goofy. There's nothing to worry about." I climbed into the bed, patting the space next to me. He laid down reluctantly.
"What about your parents?" he asked.
I shook my head. "We aren't doing anything wrong. They would prefer that I do things in our house anyway." I nestled myself in his arms, and we drifted off to sleep.

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now