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Ok maybe Hoseok had broke at those words.. Because he kinda blacked out and only came too when he was entering their car about 3 hours later.

The reason he came too was because of the sound of water or a liquid hitting the ground.

Yoongi: hobi..

Hoseok; was that..?

He only got a nod in response along with his husband being more pouty than usual.

Hoseok: we need to go.

Yoongi: yeah..


They were now set up in a hospital room. All there baga we in a corner, hopefully out of any staff's way. Yoongi was trying to get some sleep in and Hoseok was trying to finish up on reading one of the books they had gotten.

Hoseok could tell when another contraction hit because his poor mats would ball up and hold his swollen belly. It hurt Hoseok too see Yoongi in so much pain that not even sleeping helped.

The alpha just wished this was over already. He hated seeing the pain in his lovers faces and couldn't do anything about it. He wanted to meet their son and finally give him a name. He wanted this part to be long done for so they could just enjoy the life they made together.

Every hour or so Dr. Kim would come in a check on Yoongi. A few times now she'd see the omega was resting and would end up talking with Hoseok instead of what she intended to do.

This was one of those times.

Dr.Kim: such a shame they don't let omehas come in when they start nesting in their beds.. It makes the whole process so much easier. The best place for a baby is where their parent feels safest.

Hoseok: I just read that chapter in this book...

Dr.Kim: no amount of books can prepare you for parent hood. I think you both will be excellent though. A loving environment is what every child deserves.

Hoseok: yeah.. He'll be very loved.. About a year or two ago when we were engaged, he ended up having a misscarrage.. Neither of us knew about the baby.. It was another boy..

Dr.kim: I think I was there that night.. Just not as your doctor.. I cried when I heard that from your doctor.. I know the pain and wouldn't wish it on anyone.. I'm sorry.

Hoseok: thank you... Let's not dwell on the past shall we? This is a happy day! Even if there's some bumps on the road.

Dr. Kim: I like your positivity! Your exactly right. I'll be back later.

Hoseok: bye.


Yoongi: I'm hungry..

Hoseok: you haven't eaten in like... 12 hours!?

Yoongi: we've been here 8 hours?

Hoseok: yeah.. When did your contractions start?

Yoongi: about 9 am..

Hoseok: yeesh... This is taking a while.

Yoongi: well hobi.. This isn't a walk in the park.

Hoseok: I know that.

Yoongi: you have it soo easy.

Hoseok: I've been told a few times in the past 3 hours babe.

Yoongi: just trying to engrain the message.

Hoseok: we need him out of you. The longer this is the more bitchy you get.

Yoongi: you try birthing a human.

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