*20* pt1

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It was Friday now, and the mates decided to go hang out with their friends.

It was being held at Namjoon and jins new house, which happened to be outside the busy city as to keep their personal lives safer from the public.

It was being held at Namjoon and jins new house, which happened to be outside the busy city as to keep their personal lives safer from the public

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Getting out of their car and walking up to the door was done while they tried to be as close together as possible. It was that kind if day.

Jin: come on in guys!

Inside the house, Jungkook and tar were playing games on their phones. Namjoon was writing something and Jimin was snacking in the kitchen.

Hoseok: of course we're the last ones.

Jin: you live the farthest away so it makes sense. Want something to eat?

Yoongi nodded and walked over to were jimin was.

Yoongi: good?

Jimin: Jin hyung made it.

Yoongi: perfect answer. How are you doing?

Jimin: I'm really happy, it's not everyday you get to give your friends one of the best gifts ever.

Yoongi: well.. Take care of yourself, ok? Because if you don't I will bite you.

Jimin: haha!.. I'm more worried about you hyung.

Yoongi: why?

Jimin: I can smell.. Your scent is more.. I guess "wilted".. Not the usual newly bloomed cherry blossom and strawberry plus the hint of redwood.

Yoongi: oh.. I'm fine. Don't worry.

Jimin, looking unconvinced, dragged the older into a more private area of the house.

Jimin: look me in the eyes and tell me that..

Yoongi: I.. It's nothing chim..

Jimin: your a terrible liar. I'll tell Jin hyung something is wrong. He won't let you loose.

Yoongi, with a defeated sigh explained that because of jimins very exciting announcement it reminded the older omega that by this time he'd have his baby.

Yoongi: I really hate coming back to this.. Sorry for ruining-

Jimin shushed the older with a very tight hug.

Jimin: Tae was right about this.. Hyung.. I understand. That's a horrible thing to go through. And it's ok that your not over it.. I'm still not over mine..

Yoongi: what?

Jimin: oh.. Well.. I guess I better share.. When I was in college I hooked up with this beta.. And a few months later I found out I was pregnant.. But before I could find the beta I miscarried.. I threw myself into dance and well.. Here I am.

Yoongi: I'm so sorry Minnie..

Jimin: don't be.. It was so long ago... Your the 2nd person to know..  Hey! Let's not have any more sadness! Let's go stuff our faces!

Yoongi: heh.. Hey Jimin?

Jimin: yes?

Yoongi: um.. Me and Hoseok were actually thinking about trying.. Once everything calms down of course..

Jimins eyes widened and he pulled the older back into a tight hug.

Jimin: you'll be a great parent hyung. I know it.

Yoongi: you'll be a great..-

Jimin: uncle. This baby isn't mine at all.

Yoongi: I love you.

Jimin started crying.

Jimin: I love you too.. We omegas have to stick together right?

Yoongi: right. Now.. Let's go make sure your dumbass lovers aren't doing anything stupid.

Jimin: good idea.

The rest of the night continued with dinner and ice cream while all 7 of the soulmates messed with each other.


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