🌙Chapter 20🌙 Protect Him

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I sighed as I finally arrived in the forest where Ink wanted me to meet him and his little gang here. He was no where though, I think I'm a bit early. I leaned my back on the tree as I looked at my bracelet. Then I looked up at my crown as I took it off. I've been wearing this since the Pure Heart Traits or.. elements appeared.

I pu back my crown on my head as I hear footsteps coming closer. I stood up straight as I looked at the source of the footsteps. Ink and his little gang are there, walking towards me. I was caught off guard as one of his 'friends', Hologram attacked me with his spears. I had no time to dodge but when his spear was in front of me, some kind of small animal protected me.

Once Hologram jumped back beside Ink. I looked at the thing that protected me. A small black octopus? The hell? The small octopus then disappeared all of the sudden. Where does that thing came from?

"You came here alone, right, Nightmare?"

Ink spoked as I nodded my head. Wasted no time, four of his 'friends' attacked me at the same time. I jumped as I moved my tentacles to attack them. Hologram and Light swiftly dodges, but Enio amd Blue can barely dodges them. I landed on the ground as Hologram attacked me from the back.

Before his spear stabbed me from the back, the small octopus appeared again and protected me. It's weird but at least this octopus protected me when I was off guard. I moved my tentacle to attack Hologram but again, he swiftly jumped and dodges my attack.

I stood up as I attacked four of them. While my tentacles were attacking them, I looked at Dream and Ink. They're the only ones that's not moving at all. Just watching them attacking me. I saw Ink holds Dream's hand, looks like very tightly. Dream's pupils were looking at me the whole time. His expression shows that he's worried about me.

Light attacked me with his sword as he cuts one of my tentacles, then he went to me and was going to slice me but again, the small octopus protected me. But after that, I was thrown away to a tree. I gasped as I felt pain around my left arm. The bone's probably broken..

I tried to stand up slowly. Once I did, Hologram managed to kick me to another tree even though the small octopus protected me from Hologram's kick. I groaned as I felt my left arm got even more hurt. I stood up slowly.

"Finish him, guys."

Ink said from afar. I was still catching my breaths as I looked at the four sanses a few meters away from me. Their magics and attacks are above me, going to shoot them towards me. Dammit.

Not a minute, they attacked me with their magics and attacks. I closed my eyes as I didn't feel hurt because of the attack but I feel my enegry was drained. I opened my eyes as I saw the small octopus were protecting me again. I see. The small octopus was a part of me. Even though I didn't get hurt, but when it protected me, it'll drain my strength.

The attack still going, the small octopus still protecting me. I hissed as I feel more pain from my left arm. I tried to stand up properly. I looked around the small octopus as the invisible shield that the octopus made was about to break. It couldn't keep protecting me.

I feel my strength are all drained as I fell back down on the ground, sitting position. I chuckled, this could be the end of me. But I'm glad that the five of my friends didn't here to see me like this. I hissed again.

"Ink, please! Stop it! Tell them to stop!"

Dream's voice. Even though the attack from the four in front of me was still going and barely can make me hear anything, I could still hear Dream's voice. He's begging him to stop.

"Please! My brother's not that bad! If you want to make the villains leave this AU, we could always negotiate! We don't have to fight!"

"You just stay still, Dream."

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