Ed X Reader Daydreams

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Reality sucks and fantasy rules were the words that (Name) would always tell herself.

Her daydreams were full of the future and Edward Elric,the Fullmetal Alchemists. Yeah tons of people said he was a short no good boy, but how (Name) wished that they would fall head over heels over each other.

(Name) let out a sigh,and looked at the sky lost in one of her daydreams.

Ed looked at the (h/c) girl and chuckled it was always like her,to daze off in the distance and get lost in her mind.

Ed had his own daydreams, like (Name) walking to him in a long white wedding dress, or pregnant with his children. Ah yes but all these were nothing but hopes and dreams playing inside their heads.

I'll leave it to you to end this after all this is only your daydream...I can't create a world up for you, but all I can say is that (Name) and Ed ended up in the same place and both confessed their feelings.

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