LOVE HURTS (YANDERE!Edward Elric X Reader)

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When friendship turns into a murderous one-sided love.........people get hurt.

Let the pain begin.........

Ed watched as (Y/n) as she hugged a brown haired boy, with dirty brown eyes.

He growled like a mad dog, you were HIS and only his, friends or not, you were his destined lover and tonight you would get a painful reminder.

(Time skip to Reader-chan)

(Y/n) stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her body.

As of lately people had been disappearing, and those people had a relationship with you.

Roy was the first one to go missing, along with Hawkeye, then Scar,Alex Armstrong, Winry, Pinako and Alphonse.

But what was really strange was that Ed didn't even seem worried about anyone, not even his beloved brother and his childhood friend.

(Y/n) was a bit scared and would lock every single door and window in her house.

She even took the spare key out of the fake rock and buried it under one of her favorite flower pot.

Elias her friend, had come out of his hometown just to bring her some type of comfort.

Which seemed to work just a little, but she knew that she couldn't be caught off guard.

She turned on her radio and listened to music as she got dressed in her night clothes.

Just as she was put on her shirt she heard a crash from downstairs.

She grabbed her trusty knife and ran down the stairs but also with great stealth.

She peeked her head out from the corner to see what had fallen down, instead of finding a rock or something, she was met with a pair of dead brown eyes and a familiar golden haired boy with a long red coat standing over the body.

"I know your there...(y/n).....come out and let me see that beautiful face of yours." Ed said as he turned and looked at the place (y/n) was hiding at.

If the situation was different, (y/n) would be a blushing mess with a mouthful of curses and colorful words.

But she was looking at a former friend, who apparently killed her bestfriend.

Instead of running upstairs and locking her door, she walked into her living room with a escape plan.

She smiled at him and gave a warm smile to him.

"So that's what happened to everyone, you killed them.....even your own brother." (Y/n) said with a look of hatred upon her smiling face.

Ed chuckled and looked at her.

"All for you, my queen, with all these people in the way how could I show you my love?" Ed said laughing.

(Y/n) gripped the handel of the knife tightly and smirked at Ed.

"But, what if I say I don't love you?" (Y/n) said as looked at Ed.

Ed frowned and slowly walked towards her with his bangs covering his face.

"Well......if you put it that way.....I would kill you, nice and you could see my face, when I do so." Ed said as he lunged at (y/n).

(Y/n) quickly moved from her spot and up the stairs, making Ed tumble and fall.

She could hear him moving quickly to the stairs.

But she heard something unexpected........the sound of clapping hands ans the crackle of blue electricity.

He had made the steps into a flat surface, he turned the staircase into a large ramp.

(Y/n) quickly grabbed onto the banister and pulled herself up to the second floor.

She got up quickly and ran to her room and locked it.

She quickly than raced to her window but froze in place as the radio's music stopped.

"Breaking News!!!!!! The bodies of Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Scar, Alex Armstrong, Winry Rockbell, Pinako Rockbell, and Alphonse Elric had been found, buried all together in a shallow grave just outside the for set edge.

Tears rolled down (y/n)'s face as she opened her window and put he legs out of it.

Suddenly the door was broken down and Ed rushed into the room and grabbed a handful of (y/n)'s hair.

(Y/n) screamed in pain and tried pulling away from him and trying to keep balance on the windowsill.

Her plan was to climb down the roof and run to get help, not jump off it and break a leg or something.

I got you now, (y/n) and there's nowhere to run, so just give up already." Ed said as he yanked harder on her hair.

(Yn) cried as she felt blood run down her face slowly.

If she wanted to escape she had to risk her very own life.

She was still holding the knife after all.

"No I can still run, you sick Fuck!!" (Y/n) said as she cut her hair with the knife that she was holding in her hand.

She felt the wind blowing against her and it felt kind of calming, it seemed everything had slowed down.

Then she hit the ground with a sickening crack and the world grew dark.

Ed smiled as he stood over her lifeless body and picked her up.

He had another arm and leg to spare for human transmutation, and this time he wasn't going yo fail.

I swear to you I'm not Yandere.......I'm just a writer with a dark mind.

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