Just A Friend Edward Elric x Reader

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Ed stood in the rain looking down at his shoes as tears fell from his golden eyes, blending in the rain that fell from the sky.

His heart was aching and the note in his hand was crumbled up as his hand turned into a shaking face.

Why was love so cruel?

The sight of the girl of his dreams confessing to his younger brother was enough to tear his heart of steel apart.

(Y/n) was his first and only love, she was his day and morning light.

He could remember the day he met her as if it was yesterday.

She was wearing a (f/c) dress and brown sandals as she plucked wildflowers from a endless field with her (h/c) hair blowing in the wind.

Her eyes twinkled brightly as she smiled and waved at him happily.

He could see all the days he spent with her, all the times that she gave him her breathing smile.

But his favorite memory was when an elderly couple confused them for a couple.

"What a beautiful pair you two make." A old woman said as she clung to her husband's arm.

The man also smiled and nodded.

"Reminds me of our golden days." The man said as he walked past the two who stood their stuttering and blushing brightly.

That was the best day of his life, that was his golden time.

Ed couldn't get her off his mind, she was like a drug that he couldn't get enough of.

But she only saw him as a best friend.

He was always friend zoned by her, with (y/n) unaware of his feelings for her.

The time that hurt the most was the day they watched the sunset.

"Ed, your a great friend you know?" (Y/n) said as her (e/c) met the golden ones.

Ed gave a soft sad smile and looked at her eyes.

"Yeah....a great friend." Ed mumbled softly as he held the girls hand that fit like a puzzle piece.

Couldn't she see that he loved her more than words could describe?

That she was his everything, that she was his other half.

Gaining the courage that he had the next day he walked to her house with a note that took him most of the night to write.

"(Y/n) we had been friends for three years now, and I want to be more to you.
I want to be the one to hold your hand and listen to all the words that you have to see.
You brought color to my life, and chased the dark away.

Will you be my equal half?
                         -Edward Elric, your golden time lover.

He imagined happy tears filling her beautiful (e/c) orbs as a smile made a way to her face.

With determination on his mind he made his way to her front door and was about to knock when he heard a familiar laugh.

He to the backyard and watched from the shadows as he saw Alphonse spinning her around with a happy smile.

"Yes Al, I want to be your girlfriend!" (Y/n) said as she peaked his lips quickly.

Al smiled and hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"Lets go tell Ed, he'll be so happy!" Al said as he ran to the garden gate with (y/n) trailing behind holding his hand.

With his heart breaking he ran to the only spot that he could escape his painfully reality.

He ran to the tree that was (y/n)'s favorite place to watch the sunset.

Rain fell out of no where, but Ed didn't care he just ran till he reached the spot.

Now there he stood with the colors fading from his world and turning all lifeless and gray.

Why was love so cruel?

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