Precious Memories |Edward Elric X Reader|

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Dedicated To pinkyrue17

The rain pounded harshly against the window as Edward looked at the garden in the front yard.

His wife, _______, was making coffee in the kitchen while humming a little tune to herself.

He held a photo album in his hands, looking at the pictures that held so many memories from his youth.

No he wasn't old, but he certainly wasn't a teenager, who would beat up anyone who called him short.

He chuckled a little as he recalled all those times that he exploded when someone said that five lettered word.

______ walked into the dinning room with a two mugs of coffee, one for Ed and one for herself.
(If you dislike coffee just change it to a warm drink you like)

"You brought the old photo album out, is there something wrong?" ______ asked as she sat next to her husband.

Ed didn't take the photo album often and when he did, it was usaully because he was sad.

Ed chuckled and shook his head as he grabbed his mug of coffee.

He kissed his wife's forehead and looked at her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"No, nothing is wrong, I just want to remember how I met such an amazing women." Ed said as he ruffled her hair.

______ blushed softly as she turned away from her husband's gaze, clearly flustered.

"Oh, your just saying that so you can see me blush." ______ said as she laughed softly.

Ed just rolled his eyes and hugged his wife tightly and kissed her soft lips.

______ gasped allowing Ed entrance into the familiar territory.

These type of kisses always took ______'s breathe away, because Ed's kisses were always so gentle and full of love.

"Ewwww, Mommy and Daddy that's gross!" A little voice whinned.

Ed pulled away with a light blush on his face as he looked at his four year old son, (son's name).

Ed and _______ laughed as their son pouted.

Ed picked the little boy up and sat him on his lap and chuckled.

"Its not gross, one day you'll be kissing your wife like that." Ed said laughing as he ruffled (son's name) hair.

(son's name) just made a disgusted face and shook his head no, making his parents laughs once again.

Ed grabbed the photo album again and opened it to the first page and began telling (son's name) stories about the people in the pictures, while _____ leaned on Ed's shoulder.

He talked about the good and the bad memories and the people who had changed his life.

He also had to explain why he had a automail arm and leg to (son's name).

_______ told the story how she met Ed, which made (son's name) giggle.

These were their precious memories that lay before them, captured with a flash of a camera and the previous memories that they were now giving to their son.

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