Unrequited Love |Edward ElricXReader|

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_________ smiled as she watched Alphonse and Edward running around, just glad for getting their bodies back.

She sighed softly to herself as she looked down at the paper in her lap. It was a letter from Central that said that she was accepted as a solider and would be expected nto be there three weeks from now.

She hadnt even told them the news yet, afraid that it would only spoil their happiness.

She was doing this for Ed, she was only doing this to protect her feelings and to not get in the way of him and Winry. She loved Ed deeply and he loved Winry.

She knew that he planned on making Winry his wife and that really broke her heart but, she smiled anyways and was happy for her older cousin.


"Hey, _______, I have great news to tell you!" Winry said as she smiled happily at her cousin.

_______ turned and smiled at her cousin as she fixed up her uniform a bit.

"I heard you and Ed are getting married soon, right?" _______ siad as she forced a smile on her lips.

Winry nodded and started gushing over the things that had been planned and that she wanted ______ to be her Matron of a honor, which _______ smiled nodded, trying not to let the tears that threatened to fall drip from her eyes.

Winry smiled and hugged her tightly.

                                        2 MONTHS LATER

_________ sighed as she strapped her gun over her shoulder and looked at her commending officer.

War had struck them once more and soilders were being sent everywhere to protect and gain peace. _______ was one of many to go into war.

She had to leave before the wedding, which secretly she was rather happy that this all happened before she had to be forced to watch the one she loved be with another.

Hawkeye saw her off to the train along with Roy. They wished her a safe return and _______ gave them a letter just in case something was to happen to her. She had also given them   letters to give to Ed and everyone for the same reason.

"Promise me you won't read them unless something happens." ________ said as she smiled at them with tears streaming down her face.

Thry promised her and left her with a tight hug and another hope for a safe return.

Somewhere else........

Ed sat on his shared bed looking at the phone that lay broken into pieces on the ground. He qas nit at all happy that _______ joined the army or the fact that she was now heading off to war.

Winry sat next to him trying to calm him down, while Al tried to get a hold of _______.

"Ed I'm sure that _______ will be all right, she's strong and brave, I know she'll return home safely."

But that didn't calm him at all................................

                                       4 Months Later

________ was in the middle of a huge war and trying to pull out her friends and injured comards to the safety of the medical tents.

Her leg was hurt and bothered her as she carried her comrads on her back, but she fought through the pain.

Then a sharp pain came to her left arm and she almost dripped the person she was carrying. She already knew that she was shot in her arm, she continued on.

She didn't care about the pain that she felt, all she cared abiut was saving the men and women she knew that had families waiting for their return.

She remembered her Aunt and Uncle who were killed in a war, they died helping people and saving lives. She remembered whk sad Winry was when the news was told to her. That kept her moving on.

When she brought the solider to the medical tent she ran out to save more lives.

She ran through the fight and tried her best to help anyone still hanging by a thread. But before she could reach them she was shot in the back and she bleed to death on the field.

Her funeral was quite a large one which was attended by the soilders she saved and those who had been her army friends.

Ed and Alphonse stood next to each other as they watched their friend get lowered into the ground.

Roy had given them letters that _______ wrote to them before she left.

When Ed and Winry got him he quickly opened the letter and discovered the feelings she had for him.

The letter fell from his hand as he sank to the floor with the image of a smiling and happy ________ running through his mind.


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