Beautiful (Alphonse X Reader)

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Hey readers!!!! I missed you guys, your make my day and inspire me to keep writing.
Thank you
Ciao!!!!! -Dolphinea

(Y/n) was in the kitchen making herself some lunch while the radio played music in the background.

For once she was wearing shorts and a muscle shirt.

Most people would wear shirts, dresses almost anything that was short, but not (Y/n) she would wear long sleeves and pants in public.

People would often ask her why she would wear such clothing in this type of weather.
(Y/n) would just smile and say she was cold or that she was just a little insecure of showing a lot of skin.

But the truth was that she had many scars, physical scars that she inflicted on herself from years of pain and suffering. Scars that would not fade, scars that reminded her of the past everyday.

To hide her shame from the world, she punished herself by wearing nothing but pants and long sleeves even in the hottest of summers.

The phone began to ring loudly right next to her.
With sigh she stop her actions and picked up the phone and answered happily.

"Hello?" She said as she looked out the kitchen window.

"Hey, (Y/n) Me and Ed are going to the make, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come." A very happy and familiar voice said.

Alphonse have been the closest friend she had ever had. But as time went on, she had slowly discovered her feelings for him and began to fall in love with the blond boy.

He was the only one who actually wanted to spend time with her without being forced to or asked.

"That sounds lovely Al, but I'm afraid that I don't have a swimsuit, and I don't think that I can borrow one from Winry either." (Y/n) said with a little worry.

There was silence for a little while.

"Hey don't worry then, I'll come over instead I'll be there in a few minutes." Al said before hanging up the phone.

(Y/n) put the phone down and looked worriedly down at her uncovered arms.

Alphonse never knew of her past or her scars that littered her arm or the words that were carved into her skin on her thighs.

Words such as, hate, useless, ugly, freak, basket case, attention seeker, weird, last but not least unwanted and unloved.

She stood there frozen not knowing what to do she didn't know whether she should hide upstairs or quickly change into something else.

(Y/n) quickly grabbed her long and baggy jacket and put it on and went to finish making herself some lunch.

Her front door opened and closed softly behind the person who came in.

She knew who it was, it wasn't hard to tell when Alphonse wore so much cologne.

Something she noticed that he had started doing for awhile now.......he was probably trying to impress someone...most likely a girl.

"Hey (Y

), how is everything going for you? Are you okay?" Alphonse said softly as he walked into the kitchen and plopped himself down on a chair.

(Y/n) had yet to greet her friend and answer his question, but she remained silent as fear cut off the words she desperately wanted to say.

"(Y/n)......are you okay......why are. you answering me." He said.

(Y/n) grabbed the knife that was next to her and tries to cut her good, her hands trembled dangerously and tears began to form on her eyes.

The thought of Alphonse finding out about the shame of her past or the thought of hurting him deeply made her heart tighten painfully.

She cried loudly when she felt that blade slash into her skin, making a stream of warm scarlet liquid ran down from her finger.

Al got up quickly and took the knife from the girls hand and turned her quickly around to examine her wound.

But in that moment the baggy sleeves of the jacket revealed the may scars upon her skin, and the words carved into her thighs.

He gasped and (Y/n) broke down in harsh sobs as she fell to the floor in bitter shame.

Alphonse looked down at her with an unreadable emotion that made her cry even harder.

"It was stupid I know, it was weak and stupid to do this to myself, it was stupid to believe that I could be happy!" (Y/n) cried loudly as years of pain ran down her face.

Alphonse slid to the floor and wrapped his arms tightly around her and cried even louder than her.

"Why didnt you tell me???" Alphonse yelled as tears poured from his eyes.

Years of lies began to unravel like thread from it's spool and the truth bubbled out quickly.

Alphonse held her close and kissed her forehead gently and whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

He got up with her still wrapped in his embrace and cleaned her wound and kissed her scars.

Without any words he told her he loved her, that she was wanted, and she mattered to him.

He held her and never let her go.

The end

Listen, love, cherish, and never let go of those who are truely broken.

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