A Farewell Promise....ReaderxDead!Maes Hughes

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Saying goodbye to a friend isn't easy, especially when they're gone from this world.

Tears ran down everyone's faces as they watched as a great friend and loving father was laid to rest in his final resting place.

(Y/n) shed the most tears for Maes Hughes, he was her best friend and was the one who supported her the most.

He might had been slightly annoying for always showing pictures of his daughter, but he was great man and didn't deserve to be murdered.

(Y/n) was one of the first people to be informed of his death and this true broke her heart into a million pieces.

She couldn't believe that he was murdered, who would do such a thing to such a sweet man?

She could remember the hours before his death they were happily chatting and laughing about a few things and Maes even showed her more pictures of his small happy family.

"Hey, (y/n) could you promise me something?" Hughes asked as he gave (y/n) a small smile.

"Of course, anything thing for my bestfriend." (Y/n) said happily.

Maes smiled at the girl, but he had a sad look in his eyes as he starred into (y/n)'s eyes.

"Promise that you'll take care of Gracia and Elicia, if something were to happen to me." Hughes said in a soft tone as he smiled down at the picture of him and his wife and daughter.

(Y/n) looked at Maes with a surprised look in her eyes.

"I promise, but why are you saying something like that?" (Y/n) said as she frowned slightly.

Maes chuckled and ruffled (y/n)'s (h/c) hair.

"Well,we don't exactly live forever, and we never know what's around the corner." Huges said.

Who knew that was going to be the last day he would live and the last time that (y/n) would hear his voice and see his smile?

She could Elicia talking to her mom, asking questions that only broke her heart even more.

"Mommy, why are they throwing dirt on daddy?" Elicia said as she tugged on her mother's clothes.

(Y/n) blocked out everything else, afraid to hear the truth that she already knew.

Maes Hughes was never coming back.....he was gone from this cruel world.

(Y/n) fell to her knees no longer able to take the pain that her heart held.

It was like she had been stabbed in the heart a million of times, she was consumed with grief as she let a out a harsh sob.

Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye who were saluting their friend came to her side and hugged her tightly as they cried as well.

That day was the day that changed (y/n).

She looked at his grave and whispered to herself.

"I will keep my promise Hughes, I'll protect your family and I will avenge you."

"I'll also help Roy become Fürher, I promise you." (Y/n) added.

From that day on, (y/n) was no longer the happy girl that she used to be, she lost her emotions and her heart.

But she was sweet and caring towards the Huges family.

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