Star Gazing Edward × Reader

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The wind blew lightly as (Name) looked into the starry, night sky. The stars reminded (Name) of diamonds glittering when light hits them, creating a shower of colors.
(Name) sighed softly and closed her (e/c) eyes, as she got in a more comfortable position.
Ed lay beside her with his hair undone mixing into (Name)'s (h/l) (h/c). His golden eyes looked into the night sky as well but, his mind lingered on other things.
Like the battle scars that covered (Name)'s (s/c), or the way (Name)'s eyes would sparkle in the morning sun.
It was the small things he fell in love with, the little things that made (Name) the person she is. Like the proud glint that came into het eyes when she was right, or how she would blush at the smallest compliment she got. The way her smile and laugh could brighten up a room. The feeling that you could do anything in the world with her right by your side.
"Hey, Ed what are your hopes and plans you have for the future?" (Name) asked with curiosity laced into her angel like voice.
Ed looked over at (Name) and smiled softly at her.
"Well I hope I fall in love with the right person, maybe settle down and have a family,and grow old together. Ed said in a low whisper.
(Name) smiled and looked at Ed with a surprised look.
" That doesn't sound like you,I thought you would travel til your hearts content, meet someone and have children, then teach them as you all travel together."
"Well (Name) people are full of tons of surprises" Ed said as he grabbed (Name)'s hand and pulled her closer to him.
Before (Name) could react or pull away Ed smashed his lips on hers in a sweet, passionate kiss.
Ed licked her lips begging for entrance which (Name) gave to him without a fight. Things that could never be said and feelings that went untold, were all put into this special kiss that made butterfly's fly around in (Name)'s stomach.
As Ed pulled away to catch his breath and to glance at (Name)'s reddening face, he looked into those beautiful melting (e/c) eyes.
"So I wasn't the only one who felt this way?" (Name) said as she placed her fingertips on the lips tbat she kissed a few minutes ago.
Ed kissed her fingers and placed them on his chest,right where his hesrt layed beating under his flesh, and smiled brightly.
"I loved you for the longest time,I just could never tell you how I felt what I hope for and wanted. Said Ed as he chuckled.
(Name) giggled and returned her gaze to the night sky that was above the newly couple. Silence filled the air once again,but this time they were snuggled into each others loving embrace with dreams and hopes for the coming future that shined bright with joy and happiness.

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